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Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact
Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact

This textbook teaches basic plant and microbial biology while explaining phytopathology and its cultural relevance.

Item No. 41167
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This textbook teaches basic plant and microbial biology while explaining phytopathology and its cultural relevance. Written for use as a general biology course, its fascinating historical approach will pique the interest of the undergraduate student. It will also prepare him or her to address controversial modern issues including genetic engineering and pesticide use. Plant pathology instructors will find the text appropriate for students who require a less detailed introduction to phytopathology. Suitable as an independent text or as supplemental reading.

Plant Diseases: Their Biology and Social Impact


Chapter 1: The Irish Potato Famine and the Birth of Plant Pathology

Chapter 2: Introduction to the Fungi and Their Life Cycles

Chapter 3: Pathogens and Quarantines

Chapter 4: Bacteria

Chapter 5: Genes and Genetic Engineering

Chapter 6: Plant Disease Epidemics and Their Management

Chapter 7: Pesticides

Chapter 8: Soil, The Rhizosphere, and Soilborne Pathogens

Chapter 9: Fungi in Food: Natural Poisons and Gourmet Delicacies

Chapter 10: Rusts

Chapter 11: Drying Trees and Parasitic Plants

Chapter 12: Viruses and More Recently Discovered Pathogens

Chapter 13: Environmental Diseases and Problems

Chapter 14: Plant Diseases in a Hungry World

Figure Credits
Publish Date: 1991
Format: 6" x 9" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-116-6
Pages: 397
Images: 271 images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

By Gail L. Schumann

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