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La biología de los hongos patógenos, Vol. 2 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
La biología de los hongos patógenos, Vol. 2 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

Hongos patógenos y enfermedades de los cereales, Volume 2

Item No. 46505D
APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 188.10
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Once you purchase this digital download, you will receive an email to download a zipped folder containing two videos in mp4 format. The videos come in one language (Spanish).

  • Roya de la hoja de trigo y otras royas de cereales (15:30 min)
  • Fusariosis del trigo (12:30 min)

The Biology of Fungal Pathogens combines three-dimensional computer animation with photography to present the life cycles of various fungal pathogens. In-depth knowledge of the conditions under which pathogens, in particular parasitic fungi, live and develop is a prerequisite for crop protection. Only with this knowledge can plant diseases be detected in due time and selectively treated.

The video series The Biology of Fungal Pathogens grants easy access to this knowledge. Through an exciting blend of vivid 3D animations and real images, with informative commentaries, these videos provide fascinating insight into the life cycles of major fungal pathogens. The series is an outstanding example of communication in modern science.

PowerPoint Lets You Add Specific Video Segments to Your Lectures and Talks from the Video Using: Video Trim
Full length videos can be trimmed for use in PowerPoint presentations. Trim these videos to highlight specific sections for classroom demonstrations or use the full videos to build an entire lecture.



2004 Comenius Award
The oldest German and European Award for excellent educational media, the Comenius Award is given annually by The Society for Pedagogy and Information, a renowned scientific society for multimedia, educational technology, and media didactics. The recipient of this prize is selected in an independent review process according to didactic and scientific merit.


 Intermedia-Globe Gold
Award in the category "Public Relations: Agriculture," World Media Festival 2004.



First Prize "Scientific and Popular Scientific Films" and Prize of the National Jury
20th International Film Festival AGROFILM
The AGROFILM festival is organized by the Ministry of Land Management of the Slovak Republic and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

La biología de los hongos patógenos, Vol. 2 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

The download package contains two videos in mp4 format and Spanish audio. The mp4 format is compatible with most digital devices (Mac, Windows, and mobile devices).

Videos in this Volume:

2.1 Roya de la hoja de trigo y otras royas de cereales (15:30)
Using brown rust of wheat (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici) as an example, this movie depicts the complete life cycle of rust fungi with exhaustive detail. The production of the different spore types of rust fungi is shown using three-dimensional computer animations. Additionally, this film shows the life cycles of brown rust of rye (Puccinia recondita f. sp. recondita), stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis), leaf or brown dwarf rust of barley (Puccinia hordei), and yellow or stripe rust of wheat (Puccinia striiformis). 

2.2 Fusariosis del trigo (12:30)
Fungi of the genus Fusarium are of great economic importance worldwide because they cause crop losses and produce mycotoxins, which can cause severe toxicities if consumed by humans and livestock. This movie depicts the life cycles of Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum using three-dimensional computer animations blended with real images. Particularly, the modes of infection as well as epidemiological spread of the disease are exhaustively shown. Because diseases caused by Fusarium fungi are difficult to control using fungicides, this movie also shows agronomical means for successful disease management in wheat production.

"Due to the exquisite three-dimensional visualization technology used, the video series provides a fascinating insight at the microscopic level on the biology of fungal pathogens. A high scientific standard is guaranteed by the editors and contributing colleagues from agricultural university faculties."
—Journal of Phytopathology

La biología de los hongos patógenos, Volume 2 Video Terms of Use

Standard Limited Use License (for presentations or individual use)

La biología de los hongos patógenos, Volume 2 is protected by copyright and its use is limited to individual use. It may be shown to, or viewed by, groups within a classroom or educational presentation setting, but may not be made available via local area network (LAN) without permission (permission for LAN also requires an additional LAN license fee). It may not be copied, or otherwise duplicated to share with other individuals in full or in part. It may not be transferred to the Internet in full or in part.

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The video files and their content may not be run concurrently on more than one computer and may not be networked unless an upgraded Local Area Network (LAN) License is purchased. If a LAN License is purchased, its use is limited to a specific site access and must be controlled to include only staff and/or students at that location. Within the LAN License the videos may be shown with the same privileges as the Limited Use License and also allows the videos to be viewed by students and staff autonomously as long as they are limited to access from the specified single location. If you are interested in a single-site LAN license for this product, the additional cost is $300, please contact

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Publish Date: 2012
Format: mp4 video files
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 978-0-89054-650-5

Edited by Dr. Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Dr. Holger Klink

La biología de los hongos patógenos, Vol. 2 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

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