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Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition

"Profusely illustrated throughout, this newly revised edition is exceptionally well organized and presented, making it an imperatively important addition to professional, community, corporate, academic, and governmental library agriculture/horticulture instructional reference collections in general, and rice growing supplemental studies reading lists in particular."
—Library Bookwatch

  • Diagnose and treat rice diseases, pest damage, and abiotic disorders
  • Features detailed images for pest diagnosis
  • Includes management recommendations from top rice experts

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Item No. 45881
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Rice is among the most significant food crops on the planet, covering an area of more than 154 million hectares, according to the International Rice Research Institute. And while consumption of rice increases each year, the spread and increased incidence of various rice diseases, disorders, and pests pose greater risks to production. Better, more up-to-date management practices are needed to keep feeding the world.

The Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition, was developed to help agricultural professionals and academics. Get the latest information on the management of diseases, insect pests, and abiotic disorders of this important crop.

Published more than 25 years after the first edition, this new full-color update presents the major shifts in rice cultivation, including the more extensive use of hybrid rice, herbicide resistance, new biotechnologies and fungicides, the continued shrinkage of genetic diversity, and more intense cultural management systems.

To help foster worldwide communication and information exchange on rice and its many production challenges, a group of top rice experts from various areas of the world were tapped as editors, along with a team of contributing authors specializing in key areas of rice health. Together they updated much of the information in the first edition, as well as added important newly discovered diseases and pests, ultimately providing better and fresher insights into the diseases, disorders, and pests that affect the world’s most predominant human food crop.

Each section of the book is well illustrated to help users effectively identify the disease, pest, or disorder at hand. In total, the book contains 167 maps, diagrams, and photos—most of them new to this edition.

The Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition, is broken into five major sections, including…

  • An overview of rice production and consumption, taxonomy, plant development, and diseases and arthropod pests.

  • A section on biotic diseases, representing 70 rice diseases categorized by pathogen type: bacteria, fungi and oomycetes, viruses, phytoplasmas, viruslike agents, and nematodes. For each disease, information on symptoms, causal organisms, disease cycle and epidemiology, and management strategies are included. A list of references provides additional resources on the disease.

  • A section on abiotic disorders, covering a range of nutritional disorders and herbicide injuries, as well as akiochi (hydrogen sulfide toxicity), akegare, and straighthead.

  • A section on arthropod pests, including the rice water weevil, rice stink bug, rice stalk borer, and others. For each arthropod pest, descriptive information, symptoms of damage, and suggested management strategies are provided.

  • An appendix that lists the common names of rice diseases (along with their pathogens), as well as a glossary and index.

The Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition, is a useful tool for academics and professionals involved with rice crops, including researchers, diagnosticians, extension personnel, crop consultants, farm managers, and growers. It is a valuable tool for the field, lab, or classroom.

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  • Field representatives and other experts at your organization
  • VIP clients/customers in the rice industry
  • Colleagues in state and county extension
  • Fellow researchers and diagnosticians at your institution

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Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition


The Rice Plant
Diseases and Arthropod Pests of Rice

Part I. Biotic Diseases

Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Seedling, Sheath, and Grain Diseases
Seedling Diseases

Seedling Blight
Bacterial Brown Stripe

Sheath and Grain Diseases

Sheath Brown Rot
Sheath Rot
Bacterial Panicle Blight and Grain Rot
Bacterial Palea Browning

Foliar Diseases

Bacterial Blight
Bacterial Leaf Streak
Halo Blight

Culm and Root Disease

Foot Rot

Diseases Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes

Seedling Diseases

Water Molds
Seedling Blight
Seed Box Diseases

Foliar Diseases

Brown Spot
Leaf Scald
Narrow Brown Leaf Spot
Leaf Smut
Downy Mildew
White Leaf Streak
Collar Rot

Sheath and Culm Diseases

Stem Rot
Sheath Blight
Sheath Spot
Aggregate Sheath Spot
Sheath Net Blotch
Sheath Rot
Crown Sheath Rot
Myrothecium Blotch
Sheath Blotch

Root and Crown Diseases

Root Rots

Grain Diseases

False Smut
Kernel Smut
Glume Blight
Black Kernel
Minute Leaf and Grain Spot
Red Blotch of Grains
Grain Discoloration
Ear Blight

Obscure Fungal Diseases of the Foliage and Glumes

Diseases Caused by Viruses

Black-Streaked Dwarf
Southern Black-Streaked Dwarf
Bunchy Stunt
Gall Dwarf
Grassy Stunt
Hoja Blanca
Necrosis Mosaic
Ragged Stunt
Stripe Necrosis
Transitory Yellowing
Yellow Mottle
Minor Virus Diseases

Diseases Caused by Phytoplasmas

Orange Leaf
Yellow Dwarf

Disease Caused by a Viruslike Agent

Chlorotic Streak

Diseases Caused by Nematodes

White Tip
Rice-Root Nematodes
Root-Knot Nematodes
Cyst Nematodes
Other Nematodes

Part II. Abiotic Disorders

Toxicity-Related Disorders

Akiochi (Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity)

Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities

Silicon Deficiency
Nutrient Deficiencies Causing Color Change in Young Leaves
Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities Causing Color Change in Older Leaves

Herbicide Injury

Symptoms Associated with Types of Herbicides
Delayed Phytotoxicity Syndrome

Part III. Arthropod Pests

Rice Water Weevil
Rice Stink Bug
Grape Colaspis
Chinch Bug
Mexican Rice Borer
Sugarcane Borer
Rice Stalk Borer
Rice Seed Midges


Appendix I: Host Plants (Oryza and Zizania spp.)
Appendix II: Diseases of Rice (Oryza and Zizania spp.)
Appendix III: Arthropod Pests of Rice (Oryza and Zizania spp.)



"Profusely illustrated throughout, this newly revised edition is exceptionally well organized and presented, making it an imperatively important addition to professional, community, corporate, academic, and governmental library agriculture/horticulture instructional reference collections in general, and rice growing supplemental studies reading lists in particular."
—Library Bookwatch
Publish Date: 2018
Format: 8.5" x 11" softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-588-1
Online: 978-0-89054-589-8
eReader: 978-0-89054-591-1
Pages: 121
Images: 167 images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Richard D. Cartwright, Donald E. Groth, Yeshi A. Wamishe, Christopher A. Greer, Lee A. Calvert, Casiana M. Vera Cruz, Valérie Verdier, and M. O. Way

Compendium of Rice Diseases and Pests, Second Edition

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