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Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition

" a critically important and essential addition to college and university library agricultural & farming instructional reference collections."
—Library Bookwatch

  • Diagnose and treat diseases, insect pests, and common disorders
  • Includes management recommendations from top experts
  • Features more than 200 images to aid with diagnosis

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Item No. 45775
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In recent years, consumer demands for more nutritious salad products have brought major changes in the types of lettuce produced and in the methods of their cultivation. These changes have also brought new challenges to disease and pest management in lettuce production. The Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition, addresses these changes and challenges by providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive resource available on lettuce diseases and pests, as well as their management. It offers solutions to help users identify and manage infectious diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, as well as noninfectious disorders such as air pollution, allelopathy, bolting, mineral deficiencies, toxicities, pesticide related injury, rib blight, tipburn, and many others.

This concise yet comprehensive book is ideal for large and small commercial growing operations, as well as the advisors that serve them, including plant pathologists, entomologists, breeders, seed company personnel, crop production specialists, growers, diagnosticians, students, regulatory personnel, crop consultants, educators, researchers, extension personnel, and others involved in the diagnosis and management of lettuce diseases, pests, and disorders.

The highly anticipated second edition, published two decades after the first, offers the most practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive information in existence for diagnosing and managing diseases, pests and disorders of various lettuce crops. The Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition specifically offers…
  • Nearly 210 images of symptoms caused by diseases, insects, and abiotic agents, enabling growers to visually identify diseases and other pests that affect their crops.
  • Data on the distribution of pathogens and pests of lettuce within the United States and the world, giving users reliable information on geographic trends.
  • Concise descriptions of laboratory techniques to recover pathogens and identify insects, allowing researchers to achieve a higher degree of accuracy in diagnoses.
  • Succinct descriptions of management options for growers, researchers, and extension agents.
  • Information on the causal organisms, disease cycle and epidemiology of each pathogen.
  • Selected references that lead readers to important and relevant literature on each pathogen and pest of lettuce, as well as related crops.
  • Science-based information from top researchers across the world, enabling users to more confidently scout, identify, and manage problems in the field before they become economically significant.

The Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition is divided into four parts titled Infectious Diseases; Arthropod (insect) Pests; Injuries and Abiotic and Noninfectious Diseases and Disorders; and Postharvest Diseases and Disorders.

The book also offers useful information on the history of lettuce, evolution of different types of lettuce cultivation, conventional and biotechnological and genomic approaches to lettuce improvement, the food safety issues that have emerged as a major concern for the industry in recent years, and other relevant topics.

Quantity Discounts Are Available for Easy Distribution to
  • Managers, field staff, contract growers, and others involved in commercial operations
  • VIP clients and customers in the lettuce industry
  • Colleagues in state and county extension
  • Fellow researchers and diagnosticians at your institution

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Compendium of Lettuce Diseases and Pests, Second Edition


Lettuce Production

Botany, Taxonomy, and Origin
Evolution of the U.S. Lettuce Industry
Production Factors

Lettuce Breeding

Objectives of Lettuce Breeding
Methods of Lettuce Breeding

Applications of Biotechnology and Genomics to Disease Resistance in Lettuce

Tissue Culture
Molecular Markers and Genome Sequencing
Status of Molecular Markers for Resistance to Specific Diseases
Transgenic Approaches
Genome Editing
Opportunities from Model and Other Species

Lettuce Seed Germination Under Environmental Stress

Maternal Environment During Seed Maturation
Sensitivity to Temperature and Salinity Stress
Seed Technology Enhances Germination—but at a Price

Lettuce Diseases and Disorders

Infectious Agents
Abiotic Diseases and Disorders
Management of Lettuce Diseases and Disorders

Lettuce-Associated Microbiota

Population Size, Structure, and Function of Lettuce Microbiota
Plant Species, Cultivar, Age, and Growth
Location, Climate, and Season
Impact of Pathogens and Management Practices
Conclusions and Outlook

Food Safety

Plant-Associated Foodborne Pathogens
Routes and Sources of Contamination
Environmental Survival
Factors Contributing to Pathogen Survival and Growth on Leaf Surfaces
Improving Food Safety

Part I. Infectious Diseases

Diseases Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes

Black Root Rot
Black Rot
Bottom Rot
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Downy Mildew
Fusarium Wilt
Gray Mold
Phoma Leaf Spot and Basal Rot
Phytophthora Stem and Root Rot
Powdery Mildew
Pythium Wilt, Leaf Blight, and Root Rot
Septoria Leaf Spot
Southern Blight
Stemphylium Leaf Spot
Texas Root Rot
Verticillium Wilt

Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Bacterial Leaf Spot
Bacterial Soft Rot
Corky Root
Marginal Leaf Blight
Varnish Spot

Diseases Caused by Phytoplasmas

Lettuce Yellows (Aster Yellows), Lettuce Phyllody, and Australian Lettuce Phyllody

Diseases Caused by Viruses

Alfalfa Mosaic
Beet Western Yellows
Beet Yellow Stunt
Bidens Mottle
Broad Bean Wilt
Cucumber Mosaic
Dandelion Yellow Mosaic
Impatiens Necrotic Spot
Lettuce Big Vein
Lettuce Chlorosis
Lettuce Dieback
Lettuce Mosaic
Lettuce Mottle
Lettuce Necrotic Yellows
Sonchus Yellow Net
Sowthistle Yellow Vein
Tobacco Rattle
Tobacco Ringspot
Tobacco Streak
Tomato Spotted Wilt
Turnip Mosaic
Minor Viruses of Lettuce
Endive necrotic mosaic virus
Lettuce necrotic leaf curl virus
Lettuce yellow mottle virus
Lettuce virus X
Sonchus virus

Diseases Caused by Nematodes

Lesion Nematode
Needle Nematode
Root-Knot Nematodes
Spiral Nematode
Stunt Nematode

Parasitic Plant


Part II. Arthropod Pests

Class: Insecta

Order: Hemiptera
Family: Aphididae
Family: Aleyrodidae
Family: Cicadellidae
Family: Membracidae
Family: Lygaeidae
Seed Bugs
Family: Miridae
Plant Bugs
Order: Diptera
Family: Agromyzidae
Family: Anthomyiidae
Seedcorn Maggot
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Chrysomelidae, Subfamily: Alticinae
Flea Beetles
Family: Chrysomelidae, Subfamily: Chrysomelinae
Leaf Beetles
Family: Elateridae
Family: Tenebrionidae
Darkling Beetles
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae
Beet Armyworm
Corn Earworm and Tobacco Budworm
Family: Arctiidae
Saltmarsh Caterpillar
Order: Thysanoptera
Family: Thripidae
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Gryllidae
Field Crickets
Order: Dermaptera
Family: Forficulidae
Order: Collembola

Class: Symphyla

Order: Symphyla
Family: Scutigerellidae
Garden Symphylan

Class: Arachnida

Order: Acari
Family: Acaridae
Bulb Mites
Spider Mites

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Isopoda
Sowbugs and Pillbugs

Part III. Injuries and Abiotic and Noninfectious Diseases and Disorders

Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities

Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Noninfectious Physiological Disorders

Rib Discoloration

Weather-Related Injury
Ammonium Toxicity
Soil pH and Salinity
Bird Damage
Herbicide Injury

Part IV. Postharvest Diseases and Disorders

Bacterial Soft Rot
Russet Spotting
Gray Mold
Brown Stain
Pink Rib
Other Postharvest Diseases and Disorders


" a critically important and essential addition to college and university library agricultural & farming instructional reference collections."
—Library Bookwatch
Publish Date: 2017
Format: 8.5” × 11” softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-577-5
Online: 978-0-89054-578-2
eReader: 978-0-89054-580-5
Pages: 165
Images: 209 color images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Krishna V. Subbarao, R. Michael Davis, Robert L. Gilbertson, and Richard N. Raid

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