In the 20 years since APS PRESS published the first edition of
Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases, worldwide production of watermelon, cucumber, melon, and squash has roughly doubled.
Wherever your cucurbits are grown, the
Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition provides the latest pest management and diagnostic information to suppress diseases of all cultivated cucurbits plus major insect pests and abiotic disorders affecting your crops.
This revised and greatly expanded compendium is packed with new offerings, including:
- Updated images and management recommendations for established diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and human pathogens
- Detailed descriptions, images, and management recommendations for newly discovered diseases
- Coverage of insect/mite pest damage and management
- Cultural management practices that both conventional and organic producers can apply to their crops
- Useful information on noninfectious disorders, such as air pollution, herbicide injury, temperature stress and more
- Topical discussions on foodborne pathogens, cucurbit nutrition, seed health testing, postharvest handling, and more
- Tables summarizing diagnostic information for foliar diseases, vine declines, and fruit rots, allowing users to diagnose plant diseases that have similar symptoms
- More than 320 stunning images that capture all manner of cucurbit pests in detail, allowing for more accurate diagnosis of your issues
Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition remains international in scope and practical in its emphasis. Each section is written by experts throughout the world and edited by a team of three editors who have a combined 98 years of experience. It will be valuable tool for a wide range of readers in both the cucurbit industry and academia, including crop consultants, pest control advisors, extension agents and specialists, seed and field sales personnel, diagnosticians, and graduate students.
Quantity Discounts Are Available for Easy Distribution to
- Field representatives and other experts at your organization
- VIP clients/customers in the cucurbit industry
- Colleagues in state and county extension
- Fellow researchers and diagnosticians at your institution
10-book bundle
25-book bundle Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Botany and Culture
Seed Production
Seed Health Testing
Cultural Practices
Cucurbit Diseases
Plant-Associated Foodborne Pathogens
Postharvest Handling
Cucurbits and Health
Part I. Infectious Diseases
Diseases of Subterranean Plant Parts
Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes
Acrocalymma Vine Decline
Black Root Rot
Charcoal Rot
Fusarium Crown, Foot, and Fruit Rot
Fusarium Root and Stem Rot
Fusarium Wilts
Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber
Fusarium Wilt of Gourds
Fusarium Wilt of Melon
Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon
Monosporascus Root Rot and Vine Decline
Phomopsis Black Root Rot of Cucumber
Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot
Pink Root
Plectosphaerella Root and Hypocotyl Rot
Purple Stem Vine Decline
Pythium and Phytophthora Damping-Off
and Root Rot
Verticillium Wilt
Diseases of Aerial Plant Parts
Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes
Alternaria Leaf Blight
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Downy Mildew
Gummy Stem Blight
Net Spot
Plectosporium Blight
Powdery Mildew
Septoria Leaf Spot
Target Leaf Spot
Ulocladium Leaf Spot
Diseases Caused by Bacteria
Angular Leaf Spot
Bacterial Fruit Blotch
Bacterial Rind Necrosis
Bacterial Wilt
Cucurbit Yellow Vine Disease
Leaf Spots and Blights
Caused by Pseudomonas spp.
Cichorii Seedling Blight
Syringae Blight and Leaf Spot
Viridiflava White Spot
Xanthomonas Leaf Spot
Diseases Caused by Phytoplasmas
Aster Yellows and Other Phytoplasmal Diseases
Preharvest and Postharvest Fruit Rots
Alternaria Rot
Anthracnose Fruit Rot
Bacterial Brown Spot
Bacterial Soft Rot
Belly Rot
Black Rot
Blue Mold
Choanephora Fruit Rot
Crater Rot
Fusarium Fruit Rot
Lasiodiplodia Fruit Rot
Phomopsis Fruit Rot
Phytophthora Fruit Rot
Pythium Cottony Leak
Red Rot
Rhizopus Soft Rot
Sclerotinia Rot
Southern Blight
Diseases Caused by Viruses
Diseases Caused by Begomoviruses
Cucurbit Leaf Crumple
Melon Chlorotic Leaf Curl
Squash Leaf Curl
Squash Yellow Mild Mottle
Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi
Watermelon Chlorotic Stunt
Yellow Vein Mosaic
Diseases Caused by Yellowing Viruses
Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows
Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows
Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder
Lettuce Infectious Yellows
Melon Yellowing
Diseases Caused by Mosaic Viruses
Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic
Cucumber Mosaic
Moroccan Watermelon Mosaic
Papaya Ringspot
Squash Mosaic
Watermelon Mosaic
Zucchini Yellow Mosaic
Other Virus Diseases
Cucumber Leaf Spot
Cucumber Pale Fruit
Cucumber Vein Yellowing
Curly Top
Melon Necrotic Spot
Melon Yellow Spot
Squash Vein Yellowing
Tobacco Ringspot
Tomato Ringspot
Watermelon Silver Mottle
Uncommon and Regionally Specific
Cucurbit-Infecting Viruses
Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Root-Knot Nematodes
Reniform Nematode
Other Nematodes
Parasitic Seed Plant
Part II. Mite and Insect Pests
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Cucumber Beetles
Darkling Beetle
Bugs (Homoptera and Heteroptera)
Squash Bug
Flies (Diptera)
Moths and Caterpillars (Lepidoptera)
Pickleworm and Melonworm
Squash Vine Borer
Thrips (Thysanoptera)
Minor Insect Pests
Part III. Noninfectious (Abiotic)
Air Pollution
Herbicide Injury
Nutritional Disorders
Bitter Fruit
Crown Blight of Melons and Crown Decline
of Watermelon
Moisture Stress
Pollination Problems
Temperature Stress
Part IV. Diseases or Disorders
of Unknown Etiology
Target Cluster
Ground Stain
“…Serves as a helpful source of information for all commercial and non-commercial crop growers and gardeners. Moreover, the professionally elaborated text and illustrative photo documentation makes the book helpful in plant pathology education.”
—Czech Mycology
Publish Date: 2017
Format: 8.5" x 11" softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-573-7
Online: 978-0-89054-574-4
Amazon Kindle: 978-0-89054-576-8
Apple iBook: 978-0-89054-575-1
Pages: 220
Images: 320 images
Publication Weight: 3 lbs
Edited by A. P. Keinath, W. M. Wintermantel, and T. A. Zitter