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Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry, 2nd Ed
Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry, 2nd Ed

"This book is a critically important contribution to personal, professional, community, and academic library agricultural science collections in general, and blueberry, cranberry, and ligonberry supplemental studies reading lists in particular."
—Library Bookwatch

  • Diagnose and treat diseases, insect pests, and common disorders
  • Includes management recommendations from top experts
  • Features nearly 400 images to aid with diagnosis
  • Quantity discounts available for distribution to customers and colleagues!


    Item No. 45362
    APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 152.10
    APS Members save: 10.0%

    This comprehensive diagnostic and management guide is the largest, most comprehensive APS compendium published to date. Nearly triple the thickness of the previous edition, it collectively covers nearly 150 diseases, pests, and disorders of blueberry, cranberry, and lingonberry crops. It is ideal for large and small commercial growing operations, nurseries, as well as the advisors that serve them, including universities, extension offices, independent consultants, and diagnostic labs.

    The highly anticipated second edition of this book, published nearly two decades after the first edition, offers the most practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive information in existence for diagnosing and managing diseases and disorders of blueberries (highbush, lowbush, and rabbiteye), cranberries, and lingonberries.

    It includes nearly 400 images and management recommendations from top researchers across the world, enabling users to more confidently scout, identify, and manage problems in the field before they become economically significant.

    The Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry Diseases and Pests, Second Edition is organized into four major parts (Select the ‘Contents’ tab above for the full list of nearly 150 diseases, pests, and disorders across these three crops)…

    • Infectious Diseases (e.g. Anthracnose Fruit Rot, Bacterial Canker, Fairy Ring, Leaf Mottle Virus)
    • Noninfectious Disorders (e.g. cold injury, nutritional disorders, oxygen deficiency injury).
    • Insect Pests (e.g. aphids, blueberry blossom weevils, cranberry fruitworms, leaf rollers)

    The Blueberry Certification section offers current and comprehensive information to help users develop and comply with blueberry plant certification standards and practices. The certification program helps ensure that only high-quality plant material, free of targeted plant pathogens, passes through the blueberry production chain.

    In addition to a useful glossary and index of key terms, this new edition offers an appendix that identifies common names of diseases of blueberry, cranberry, and lingonberry, along with the pathogens that cause them.

    Quantity Discounts Are Available for Easy Distribution to

    • Managers, field staff, contract growers, and others involved in your commercial operation
    • VIP clients and customers in the berry industry
    • Colleagues in state and county extension
    • Fellow researchers and diagnosticians at your institution

    10-book bundle
    25-book bundle

    Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry Diseases and Pests, Second Edition


    The Taxonomy, Botany, and Culture of Vaccinium spp.

    Evolutionary Background

    Part I. Infectious Diseases

    Diseases Caused by Fungi

    Blueberries (Highbush and Rabbiteye)

    Alternaria Leaf Spot and Fruit Rot
    Anthracnose Fruit Rot
    Armillaria Root Rot
    Botryosphaeria Stem Blight
    Botryosphaeria Stem Canker
    Botrytis Blight and Fruit Rot
    Cylindrocladium Rot
    Double Spot
    Exobasidium Leaf and Fruit Spot
    Fusicoccum (Godronia) Canker
    Gibbera Twig Blight
    Gloeocercospora Leaf Spot
    Gloeosporium Leaf Spot and Stem Canker
    Leaf Rust
    Mummy Berry
    Phomopsis Canker
    Phomopsis Twig Blight and Fruit Rot
    Phyllosticta Leaf Spot and Fruit Rot
    Phytophthora Root Rot
    Powdery Mildew
    Red Leaf
    Septoria Leaf Spot
    Silver Leaf
    Sooty Blotch
    Stem Blotch

    Blueberries (Lowbush)

    Botrytis Blossom Blight
    Brown Leaf Spot
    Exobasidium Fruit and Leaf Spot
    Fusicoccum (Godronia) Canker
    Gloeosporium Stem and Leaf Spot
    Leaf Rust
    Other Fungi Causing Fruit Rot
    Phomopsis Canker
    Powdery Mildew
    Red Leaf
    Septoria Leaf Spot and Stem Canker
    Valdensinia Leaf Spot

    Diseases Caused by Viruses


    Blueberry latent spherical virus
    Blueberry latent virus
    Blueberry virus
    Fruit Drop
    Leaf Mottle
    Necrotic Ring Blotch
    Necrotic Ringspot
    Peach Rosette Mosaic
    Red Ringspot
    Tomato Ringspot

    Diseases Caused by Bacteria


    Bacterial Canker
    Bacterial Leaf Scorch
    Bacterial Leaf Spot
    Crown Gall

    Disease Caused by an Alga


    Algal Stem Blotch

    Disease Caused by a Parasitic Plant

    Blueberries and Cranberries


    Diseases Caused by Fungi


    Berry Speckle
    Bitter Rot
    Black Rot
    Black Spot
    Blotch Rot
    Cladosporium Leaf Spot
    Early Rot
    End Rot
    Fairy Ring
    Phytophthora Root and Runner Rot
    Powdery Mildew
    Protoventuria Early Leaf Spot
    Protoventuria Leaf Spot and Berry Speckle
    Pyrenobotrys Leaf Spot
    Red Gall
    Red Leaf Spot
    Red Shoot
    Ripe Rot
    Rose Bloom
    Twig Blight
    Upright Dieback
    Viscid Rot
    Yellow Rot

    Diseases Caused by Viruses


    Tobacco Streak

    Diseases Caused by Bacteria


    False Blossom
    Stem Gall

    Diseases Caused by Nematodes

    Blueberries and Cranberries

    Diseases Caused by Nematodes

    Lingonberry Diseases

    Red Leaf and Red Shoot
    Gibbera Canker
    Mummy Berry
    Witches’-Broom Rust
    Leaf Rust
    Foliar Phytophthora Diseases
    Miscellaneous Foliar Fungi
    Little Leaf

    Part II. Noninfectious Disorders

    Nutritional and Other Abiotic Disorders


    Cold Injury
    Nutritional Disorders
    Pesticide Toxicity Injury
    Salt Injury
    Water Stress


    Frost Injury
    Hail Injury
    Lightning Injury
    Nutritional Disorders
    Oxygen Deficiency Injury
    Pesticide Toxicity Injury
    Physiological (Sterile) Breakdown
    Salt Injury
    Sunscald and Heat Injury
    Winter Injury

    Part III. Blueberry Certification

    Part IV. Pests

    Blueberries (Highbush and Rabbiteye)

    Blueberry Blossom Weevil (Cranberry Weevil)
    Blueberry Bud Mite
    Blueberry Gall Midge (Cranberry Tipworm)
    Blueberry Maggot Fly
    Blueberry Tip Borer
    Cherry Fruitworm and Cranberry Fruitworm
    Flower Thrips
    Japanese Beetle
    Oriental Beetle
    Plum Curculio
    Blueberry Scales
    Sharp-Nosed Leafhopper
    Winter Moth and Bruce Spanworm

    Blueberries (Lowbush)

    Blueberry Sawfly
    Blueberry Spanworm
    Blueberry Thrips
    Red-Striped Fireworm
    Strawberry Rootworm


    Black Vine Weevil
    Black-Headed Fireworm
    Blunt-Nosed Leafhopper
    Coptodisca Leafminer
    Cranberry Blossomworm
    Cranberry Fruitworm
    Cranberry Girdler
    Cranberry Root Grub
    Red-Headed Flea Beetle
    Root-Feeding Chrysomelids
    Scale Insects
    Sparganothis Fruitworm
    Spotted Fireworm
    Various Miscellaneous Cranberry Foliage Feeders


    Lingonberry Fruitworm




    "This book is a critically important contribution to personal, professional, community, and academic library agricultural science collections in general, and blueberry, cranberry, and ligonberry supplemental studies reading lists in particular."
    —Library Bookwatch
    Publish Date: 2017
    Format: 8.5” × 11” softcover
    ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-536-2
    Online: 978-0-89054-538-6
    Pages: 231
    Images: 389 images
    Publication Weight: 3 lbs

    Edited by James J. Polashock, Frank L. Caruso, Anne L. Averill, and Annemiek C. Schilder

    Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry Diseases and Pests, Second Edition

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