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1225 Weeds of North America Flash Drive
1225 Weeds of North America Flash Drive

Useful to anyone who has ever wondered "What is that weed?"

Item No. 1225W

This flash drive is a follow-up to the extremely successful 1,000 Weeds of North America CD-ROM published in 2003 and 1200 Weeds of the 48 States & Adjacent Canada DVD published in 2008. As well as the addition of 200 species, it contains over 2,000 more images (the total number of images is over 6,200) and a graphic user interface.

The weed identification software contained on this flash drive is useful to a broad audience ranging from college professors and professional herbicide applicators, to gardeners, ranchers, and anyone who has ever wondered "What is that weed?" It is an easy to use approach that allows the user to identify their plant by selecting the characteristic that they see (milky juice, plant height, spines, leaf shape, flower color, etc.)


  • Color photographs of all 1,200 species (over 6,200 images)
  • Graphic images of all terms and botanical structures used in the identification process
  • A complete step-by-step tutorial to help you learn all the program features
  • Cross references to page numbers in over 50 of the most popular weed reference books
  • Country-level distribution maps for each species

1225 Weeds of North America Flash Drive

Includes photographs of 1,200 species (over 6,200 images)

1225 Weeds of North America Flash Drive Terms of Use

Standard Limited Use License

The 1225 Weeds of North America Flash Drive  is protected by copyright and its use is limited solely to the individual purchaser. It may not be loaned, rented, transferred or otherwise shared with other individuals. You, the purchaser, may use the clips in the collection in your own personal, noncommercial work and teaching. This includes searching, viewing, and digitally projecting clips for presentations. No exported video clips may be distributed "as is" directly from the Collection. Rather, all exported clips must be encompassed in a larger application personally developed by the licensed user such as a Microsoft PowerPointâ„¢ presentation.

Local Area Network (LAN) License Upgrade

The flash drive and its content may not be run concurrently on more than one computer and it may not be networked unless an upgraded Local Area Network (LAN) License is purchased. If a LAN License is purchased, its use is limited to a specific site access and must be controlled to include only staff and/or students at that location. Within the LAN License the videos may be shown with the same privileges as the Limited Use License and also allows the videos to be viewed by students and staff autonomously as long as they are limited to access from the specified single location. If you are interested in a single-site LAN license for this product, the additional cost is $300, please contact

If you are uncertain which license privileges of the flash drive you qualify for, please contact Distribution without the permission of the publishers is prohibited. Infringements will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

Publish Date: 2014
Format: Flash drive
Images: 6,200 images
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

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