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Plagas y Enfermedades de las Coniferas (Conifer Diseases)
Plagas y Enfermedades de las Coniferas (Conifer Diseases)

Spanish version of the Compendium of Conifer Diseases.

Item No. 60677SP

Este compendio es el esfuerzo conjunto de muchos patólogos forestales de la mayor parte del mundo donde son importantes las coníferas. A cada autor se le ha pedido que se ocupe del tema globalmente, pero se la ha permitido que haga hincapié en las situaciones locales que le eran mas familiares. Los autores de las diferentes secciones aparecen al final de cada contribución, figurando en este prologo sus ocupaciones.

Hemos intentado que este compendio sea útil para una amplia gama de gente, desde estudiantes de silvicultura y patología hasta profesionales e investigadores que requieren una amplia visión del campo. Cada articulo concluye con una corta lista de referencias bibliográficas que permiten el acceso a la literatura especializada. Las referencias generales y los textos sobre patología forestal figuran en la introducción de esta publicación.

A Second Edition is available in English.

Plagas y Enfermedades de las Coniferas (Conifer Diseases)


Purpose and Scope
Diseases of Conifers

Part I: Diseases of Forest Trees

Root Diseases
Phytophthora Diseases

Littleleaf Disease
Port Orford Cedar Root Disease

Rhizina Root Disease
Leptographium Diseases

Blackstain Root Disease
Other Leptographium Species Associated with Conifer Roots

Root Decays

Annosum Root Rot
Armillaria Root Disease
Laminated Root Rot
Red Brown Butt Rot
Tomentosus Root Rot
Brown Root Rot
Other Root Rot Fungi

Stem and Branch Diseases

Bluestain and Bark Beetles
Pine Wilt

Stem Decays
Wound Decays

Red Rot
Amylostereum Rot
Yellow-Brown Top Rot
Brown Crumbly Rot
Other Wound Decays

True Heartrots

Red Ring Rot
Rust-Red Stringy Rot

Stem Rusts
Rusts of Soft Pines

White Pine Blister Rust
Other Soft Pine Stem Rusts
Rusts of Hard Pines
Fusiform Rust
Eastern Gall Rust
Western Gall Rust
Resin Top Disease
Comandra Blister Rust
Stalactiform Blister Rust
Sweetfern Blister Rust
Other Hard Pine Stem Rusts

Limb Rusts
Pine Twist Rust
Gymnosporangium Stem Rusts
Parasitic Plants

Dwarf mistletoes
Leafy Mistletoes and Other Parasitic Plants

Cankers and Twig Blights

Larch Canker
Sphaeropsis Shoot Blight and Canker
Scleroderris Canker
Pitch Canker
Atropellis Cankers
Other Canker Diseases

Cone and Seed Diseases

Spruce Cone Rust
South Western Pine Cone Rust
Southern Pine Cone Rust
Cone and Seed Fungi

Foliage Diseases

Needle and Broom Rusts

Needle Blights and Needle Casts

Rhabdocline Needle Casts
Swiss Needle Cast
Dothistroma Needle Blight
Cyclaneusma Needle Cast
Other Foliage Diseases of Pines
Foliage Diseases on Other Conifers

Abiotic Diseases
Decline Diseases

Recent Forest Declines in Europe
Northeastern Subalpine Red Spruce Decline
Yellow Cedar Decline
Pole Blight
Austrocedrus Decline

Part II: Diseases in the Forest

Boreal Forest of North America
Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East
Coastal Western North America
Inland West of North America
Southern United States
Australia and New Zealand

Part III: Diseases in Special Settings

Forest Tree Nurseries
Christmas Tree Plantations
Horticultural Landscapes

Host Index
Publish Date: 1997
Format: 8.5" x 11" softcover
ISBN: 978-84-8476-067-2
Pages: 101
Images: 170 color images; 13 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Corregido por Everett M. Hansen y Katherine J. Lewis

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