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KIT: Fungicide Resistance, 2E + Fungicides for Field Crops
KIT: Fungicide Resistance, 2E + Fungicides for Field Crops
  • Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition, describes the current state of fungicide development and management of fungicide resistance in primary pathogens of important agricultural and horticultural crops. A comprehensive resource for agricultural and chemical industry professionals, Extension personnel, crop consultants, and county agents.

  • Fungicides for Field Crops provides an overview of the current knowledge of fungicides and their use on field crops. A valuable guide for growers, crop production advisors, researchers and Extension personnel, and teachers and students.

  • Item No. 46215KIT
    APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 253.80
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    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition
    Edited by Katherine L. Stevenson, Margaret T. McGrath, and Christian A. Wyenandt

    Fungicides are the primary tools used to manage plant diseases, but they are regularly rendered useless by pathogens’ ability to develop resistance. The development of resistance to fungicides is arguably the greatest challenge to effectively managing plant diseases. A second obstacle in the development and application of fungicides is the constant change in the chemical landscape, as new chemicals are introduced and others are banned.

    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition, is a complete update of the 1988 edition. It describes the current state of fungicide development and management of fungicide resistance in primary pathogens of important agricultural and horticultural crops. Unlike other recently published books on fungicide resistance, this book focuses exclusively on the most significant resistance issues faced by agricultural producers in North America and especially the United States.

    This edition is organized into four main sections:

    • An overview of the history, science, practice, politics, and management of fungicide resistance

    • An updated review of the major fungicide groups—including significant new groups such as succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs), quinone outside inhibitors (QoIs), phenylpyrroles, azonaphthalenes, and carboxylic acid amides—that covers their modes of action, market situations, histories of resistance development, and mechanisms of resistance

    • A review of sampling strategies and modern laboratory methods for detecting and characterizing fungicide resistance in plant-pathogenic fungi and oomycetes

    • NEW to this edition! Case studies highlighting the historical development, current status, and management of fungicide resistance in key pathogens of major crops, including stone fruits, tree nuts, potatoes, cucurbits, strawberries, rice, turfgrass, and more

    Editors Katherine L. Stevenson, Margaret T. McGrath, and Christian A. Wyenandt have extensive experience studying fungicide resistance. Together with nearly 60 contributing authors, they provide the most up-to-date information available on research about the mechanisms of resistance to the major classes of fungicides and strategies for managing resistance. They also provide the knowledge needed to sample appropriately and accurately detect fungicide resistance in pathogen isolates or populations.

    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition, is an extensive and practical tool for agricultural industry and agricultural chemical industry professionals, as well as extension personnel, crop consultants, county agents, farm advisors, and educators and students. Students and readers new to the topic of fungicide resistance will benefit from the glossary of terms provided and from the fundamental discussions of key concepts.

    Fungicides for Field Crops
    Edited by Daren Mueller, Kiersten Wise, Nicholas Dufault, Carl Bradley, and Martin Chilvers

    Fungicides for Field Crops provides an overview of the current knowledge of fungicides and their use on field crops. This comprehensive book, which includes the contributions of 40 professionals from 20 universities and other organizations, combines past knowledge about fungicides with recent developments in the realm of field crop fungicides.

    Fungicides for Field Crops
    highlights the use of fungicides as key tools in the management of important diseases of field crops. Management is presented as a decision-making process—one in which factors as diverse as weather conditions and economics must be considered. Having a more complete understanding of fungicides will inform that decision making and help determine when fungicides should be included as part of a management plan.

    Daren S. Mueller and his co-editors have organized the book in a general-to-specific format, making the content accessible to readers of all backgrounds:

    • Parts I, II, and III establish a foundation of knowledge about fungicide use, addressing basic terms and concepts, key factors in decision making, and concerns for fungicide stewardship, respectively.
    • Part IV presents details about using fungicides to manage diseases of 16 field crops. Each crop is treated in a separate section that begins with a discussion of general issues of foliar application and seed treatment and ends with an inclusive table identifying diseases of that crop, including what causes them and how fungicides may be used to treat them.

    131 color photographs illustrate disease symptoms and show techniques and enhance the key concepts described in the text.

    Fungicides for Field Crops will serve as a valuable resource for
    agribusiness professionals, researchers and extension personnel, farmers and crop production advisors, and teachers and students. Both current and future agronomists and farmers can rely on this book not only for useful baseline information but also for crop-specific details about the effective and responsible use of fungicides.

     Thank you to the sponsors who helped make this book possible.

    The American Phytopathological Society thanks the sponsoring companies and organizations that have made it possible to distribute Fungicides for Field Crops at a significantly reduced price, even though the book has been produced with the same high-quality standards as other APS PRESS publications. Because of the support of the following sponsors, this book will be affordable for a broad agricultural audience. We are pleased to partner with these organizations and the book’s authors to publish science-based fungicide information for this important group of crops.


    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition,
    and Fungicides for Field Crops – 2-Book Set

    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition

    Part I: Introduction

    Chapter 1: An Overview of Fungicide Resistance and Resistance Management: History and Future Trends

    Andrew Leadbeater, Margaret T. McGrath, Christian A. Wyenandt, and Katherine L. Stevenson
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    Chapter 2: The Contribution of FRAC to Resistance Management: Science, Practice, and Politics

    Andy Leadbeater
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    Part II: Fungicide Modes of Action and Mechanisms of Resistance

    Chapter 3: The Methyl Benzimidazole Carbamate Fungicides (FRAC Code 1)

    Gilberto Olaya and Ray Geddens
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    Chapter 4: Resistance of Plant Pathogens to Dicarboximides (FRAC Code 2)

    Gerd Stammler, Kristin Klappach, and Andreas Mehl
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    Chapter 5: DMI Fungicides (FRAC Code 3): Sensitivity Status of Key Target Pathogens, Field Versus Laboratory Resistance, and Resistance Mechanisms

    Andreas Mehl, Helena Schmitz, Klaus Stenzel, and Jim Bloomberg
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    Chapter 6: Phenylamides: Market Trends and Resistance Evolution for Important Oomycete Pathogens More Than 35 Years After the First Product Introduction (FRAC Code 4)

    Dietrich C. Hermann, Duncan McKenzie, Yigal Cohen, and Ulrich Gisi
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    Chapter 7: Resistance of Plant Pathogens to Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor (SDHI) Fungicides (FRAC Code 7)

    Kristin Klappach and Gerd Stammler
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    Chapter 8: Resistance of Plant Pathogens to QoI Fungicides (FRAC Code 11)

    Helge Sierotzki and Gerd Stammler
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    Chapter 9: Resistance to Phenylpyrrole Fungicides (FRAC Code 12)

    Gilberto Olaya and Andrew J. Corran
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    Chapter 10: The Status of Azanaphthalene Fungicide Resistance in North America (FRAC Code 13)

    David G. Ouimette
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    Chapter 11: Resistance to the Carboxylic Acid Amide Fungicides (FRAC Code 40)

    Gilberto Olaya, Mathias Blum, Allison Tally, and Ulrich Gisi
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    Part III: Methods for Detecting and Characterizing Fungicide Resistance

    Chapter 12: Sampling for Fungicide Resistance

    Odile Carisse and Hervé Van der Heyden
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    Chapter 13: Laboratory Methods for Evaluating Fungicide Resistance In Vitro

    Julie S. Pasche and Neil C. Gudmestad
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    Chapter 14: Molecular Detection Methods for Fungicide Resistance

    Helge Sierotzki, Andreas Mehl, and Gerd Stammler
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    Part IV: Case Studies of Fungicide Resistance in North American Crops

    Chapter 15: Fungicide Resistance in North American Grape Production

    Anton B. A. M. Baudoin, Wayne F. Wilcox, and W. Douglas Gubler
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    Chapter 16: Fungicide Resistance in Fungal Pathogens of Stone Fruits

    Guido Schnabel, Phillip M. Brannen, Hervé Avenot, Themis J. Michailides, and James E. Adaskaveg
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    Chapter 17: Fungicide Resistance in Venturia inaequalis in the Eastern Half of North America

    Janna L. Beckerman, Kerik D. Cox, George W. Sundin, and David A. Rosenberger
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    Chapter 18: Fungicide Resistance in Citrus Pathogens

    Megan M. Dewdney, Byron Vega, Natalia A. Peres, and James H. Graham
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    Chapter 19: Fungicide Resistance in Pathogens of Strawberry

    Guido Schnabel, Dolores Fernández-Ortuño, Achour Amiri, and Natalia A. Peres
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    Chapter 20: Postharvest Fungicide Resistance in Fruit Pathogens in the United States

    James E. Adaskaveg and Helga Förster
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    Chapter 21: Fungicide Resistance in Pathogens of Tree Nut Crops in the United States

    Themis J. Michailides, Hervé Avenot, and Katherine L. Stevenson
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    Chapter 22: Development of Fungicide Resistance in Potato and Tomato Pathogens

    Neil C. Gudmestad and Kelly L. Ivors
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    Chapter 23: Fungicide Resistance in Pathogens of Nonsolanaceous Vegetable Crops

    Margaret T. McGrath, Christian A. Wyenandt, and Katherine L. Stevenson
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    Chapter 24: Fungicide Resistance in Peanut Pathogens in the United States

    Katherine L. Stevenson and Albert K. Culbreath
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    Chapter 25: Fungicide Resistance in Cercospora Pathogens of Field Crops

    Carl A. Bradley, Gary A. Secor, Melvin D. Bolton, Viviana V. Rivera, Guirong Zhang, and Ray Ming
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    Chapter 26: Fungicide Resistance in Rice Pathogens in North America

    Donald Groth, Clayton Hollier, Gilberto Olaya, and Allison Tally
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    Chapter 27: Fungicide Resistance in Turfgrass Pathogens

    Elisha Allan-Perkins, Jonathan P. Hulvey, James Popko, Jr., Nathaniel Mitkowski, Joe Vargas, and Geunhwa Jung
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    Chapter 28: Fungicide Resistance Development in Pathogens of Ornamental Crops

    Carla D. Garzon, Luisa Santamaria, and Gary W. Moorman
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    Fungicides for Field Crops

    Part I - Introduction

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    Fungicide Use
    Fungicide Terminology
    Fungicide Application

    Part II - Decision-Making Factors for Fungicide Use

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    Decision-Making Process for Applying a Foliar Fungicide
    Factors in the Success or Failure of Foliar Fungicide Application
    Conducting On-Farm Comparisons to Test Fungicides

    Part III - Fungicide Stewardship

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    Fungicide Resistance and the FRAC Code
    Chemical Classes

    Part IV - Using Fungicides to Manage Diseases on Field Crops

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    Dry Beans
    Pulse Crops (Chickpea, Lentil, and Field Pea)
    Small Grains (Barley and Wheat)
    Sugar Beet

    Publish Date: 2019/2013
    Format: 8.5” × 11” hardcover / 8.5” × 11” softcover
    ISBN: Multiple ISBN's
    Publication Weight: 6 lbs

    Fungicide Resistance in North America, Second Edition,
    and Fungicides for Field Crops – 2-Book Set

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