The Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition, is the most comprehensive diagnostic reference guide to date on the many diseases and insect pests of alfalfa, one of our most important forage crops. This easy-to-use book includes comprehensive diagnostic and management information on nearly 50 infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases, insect pests, and abiotic conditions (like herbicide injury).
This third edition, written by more than 55 expert plant pathologists and entomologists working on alfalfa, delivers a collection of nearly 250 color images, revised management information, the addition of five recently discovered diseases, and a section covering alfalfa’s arthropod pests. Some pests can significantly decrease yield and describes and illustrates their life cycles, behaviors, and damage symptoms, along with management practices.
The Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition is essential for researchers and practitioners worldwide. Extension scientists, consultants, field staff, and growers will find the book helpful for identifying and managing alfalfa pests and disorders. Plant pathologists, entomologists, and technical staff in laboratories, diagnostic clinics, regulatory agencies will find this book to be an invaluable reference.
This book is organized in three sections:
Section one addresses the commonly occurring infectious fungal diseases of alfalfa, grouped by leaves and stems, lower stems and crowns, and crowns and roots. This section also provides information on bacterial and mollicute diseases, diseases caused by viruses, and those caused by nematodes. The parasitic flowering plant dodder is also discussed.
Section two covers arthropod (insect) pests, detailing their life cycles, damage, identifying features, and management. This section describes arthropods that feed on foliage, including many kinds of aphids and caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, leafminers, plant bugs, spittlebugs, and weevils. Root and seed pests are given special sections, as is a livestock pest, the blister beetle.
Section three, titled ‘Noninfectious Diseases and Abiotic Conditions,’ discusses the effects and management of genetic variations and abnormalities, herbicide injury, high-temperature flooding injury, nutrient deficiencies and toxicities, foliar freeze injury, and winter injury.
The appendix presents an updated list of common names of diseases of alfalfa caused by microbes, nematodes, and viruses, as well as arthropod insect pests of alfalfa.
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Compendium of Alfalfa Diseases and Pests, Third Edition
History of Alfalfa
The Alfalfa Plant
Symbiotic Interactions
Alfalfa Disease and Pest Resistance Breeding
Overview of Alfalfa Diseases
Part I. Infectious Diseases
Diseases of Seeds and Seedlings
Aphanomyces Root Rot
Pythium Seed and Root Rot
Bacterial Sprout Rot
Rhizopus Sprout Rot
Diseases of Leaves and Stems
Blossom Blight
Common Leaf Spot
Downy Mildew
Fusarium Blight
Leptosphaerulina Leaf Spot
Powdery Mildew
Spring Black Stem and Leaf Spot
Stemphylium Leaf Spot
Summer Black Stem and Leaf Spot
Yellow Leaf Blotch
Diseases of Lower Stems and Crowns
Crown Wart
Diseases Caused by Rhizoctonia spp.
Sclerotinia Crown and Stem Rot
Southern Sclerotium Blight
Diseases of Crowns and Roots
Acrocalymma Root and Crown Rot
Brown Root Rot
Charcoal Rot
Fusarium Wilt
Mycoleptodiscus Crown and Root Rot
Phymatotrichopsis Root Rot
Phytophthora Root Rot
Stagonospora Leaf Spot and Root Rot
Verticillium Wilt
Winter Crown Rot
Crown and Root Rot Complexes
Other Crown and Root Diseases
Corky Root Rot
Cylindrocladium Root and Crown Rot
Cylindrocarpon Root Rot
Violet Root Rot
Bacterial and Mollicute Diseases
Australian Lucerne Yellows
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Bacterial Stem Blight
Bacterial Wilt
Crown Gall
Diseases Caused by Viruses
Alfalfa Enation
Alfalfa Mosaic
Bean Leafroll
Lucerne Transient Streak
Pea Streak
Red Clover Vein Mosaic
Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Alfalfa Stem Nematode
Root-Knot Nematodes
Root-Lesion Nematodes
Other Nematodes
Parasitic Flowering Plants
Part II. Arthropod Pests
Insects Feeding on Foliage
Blue Alfalfa Aphid
Pea Aphid
Spotted Alfalfa Aphid
Cowpea Aphid
Aphid Management
Alfalfa Caterpillar
Alfalfa Looper
Green Cloverworm
Beet Armyworm
Western Yellowstriped Armyworm
Yellowstriped Armyworm
Caterpillar Management
Mormon Cricket
Potato Leafhopper
Alfalfa Blotch Leafminer
Plant Bugs
Alfalfa Plant Bug
Lygus Bugs
Meadow Spittlebug and Lepyronia coleoptrata
Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper
Weevils Feeding on Foliage
Alfalfa Weevil
Clover Leaf Weevil
Insects Feeding on Roots
Clover Root Curculio
Alfalfa Snout Beetle
Insects Feeding on Seeds
Plant Bug
Alfalfa Seed Chalcid
Spider Mites
Livestock Pests
Blister Beetles
Part III. Noninfectious Diseases and Abiotic Conditions
Genetic Variations and Abnormalities
Herbicide Injury
High-Temperature Flooding Injury
Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities
Foliar Freeze Injury
Winter Injury
Appendix: Microbes, Nematodes, Viruses, and Arthropod Pests of Alfalfa
"Researchers, extension personnel, and growers alike will find this offers clear discussions and an approach that lends to both understanding underlying causes of alfalfa diseases and pest intrusion and how to manage them."
—The Midwest Book Review
Publish Date: 2015
Format: 8.5” × 11” softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-446-4
Online: 978-0-89054-448-8
Amazon Kindle: 978-0-89054-447-1
Apple iBook: 978-0-89054-549-2
Pages: 138
Images: 243 images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs
Edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes, and William O. Lamp