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Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops
Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops

A complete overview of fusarium wilt diseases and many of the most important hosts afflicted by them. The book will be a core resource for students, researchers, and extension professionals worldwide.


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This book not only reflects current thinking on the topic of Fusarium wilts, but considers them in the context of the greenhouse—an agricultural setting that is increasingly prevalent, particularly for certain crops. Fusarium wilts have always presented a challenge to greenhouse growers of vegetable and ornamental crops. The crops in this category are economically important and environmentally significant and their care is vital to our world economy and food supply. An update of this topic is long overdue and editors Lodovica Gullino, Katan, and Garibaldi have led this effort to bring together their fellow leading scientists for a worldwide perspective as reflected by both the international assortment of chapter authors and the research cited.

The book begins with a current review of the genus Fusarium, its biology and epidemiology, genetics, and diagnosis. This includes coverage of improved diagnostic tools that permit better discrimination of the formae speciales, a crucial advance that is vital in this century long battle with Fusarium.

Management strategies, cultural practices, and genetic approaches for either preventing or containing the disease are covered in depth and provide an integrated arsenal of tactics—from breeding for resistance, to irrigation, to chemical controls. The case studies in the book provide specific discussions of key greenhouse crops giving the reader applied knowledge for diagnostic and prevention strategies by crop or crop type. Greenhouse growers and those that advise them will gain valuable insight to put into practice right away.

Anyone studying the impact of Fusarium wilts will consider this book a major addition to the scientific knowledge on the topic. This text provides a very complete overview of Fusarium wilt diseases and many of the most important hosts afflicted by them. The book will be a core resource for students, researchers, and extension professionals worldwide.

Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops


M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

Part I: The Genus Fusarium: Biology, Genetics, and Diagnosis


M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

Chapter 1: The Genus Fusarium and the Species That Affect Greenhouse Vegetables and Ornamentals

M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

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Chapter 2: Biology and Epidemiology

Wade H. Elmer

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Chapter 3: Host/Pathogen Interactions

M. Carmen Ruiz-Roldán and Antonio Di Pietro

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Chapter 4: Genetics and Fusarium oxysporum

John F. Leslie

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Chapter 5: Recent Developments in the Detection and Identification of Formae Speciales and Races of Fusarium oxysporum: From Pathogenicity Testing to Molecular Diagnostics

Bart Lievens, Inge M. Hanssen, and Martijn Rep

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Part II: Management


M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

Chapter 6: Strategies and Tactics for Fusarium Wilt Management

Jaacov Katan, M. Lodovica Gullino, and Angelo Garibaldi

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Chapter 7: Cultural Practices

Wade H. Elmer

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Chapter 8: Management of Irrigation Water as a Tool for Disease Management

Erik A. van Os, Jantineke D. Hofland-Zijlstra, and Joeke Postma

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Chapter 9: Genetics and Breeding for Resistance and Grafting for Protection Against Fusarium oxysporum Wilts

Haim D. Rabinowitch and Roni Cohen

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Chapter 10: Induced Resistance as a Management Tool

Dale R. Walters

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Chapter 11: An Integrated Approach to Biological Control of Fusarium Species in Containerized Crops

Harry A. J. Hoitink and James C. Locke

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Chapter 12: Chemical Control of Fusarium Wilt on Greenhouse Crops

A. R. Chase

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Chapter 13: Soil and Substrate Disinfestation in Protected Structures

Abraham Gamliel and Jaacov Katan

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Chapter 14: Practical Management of Fusarium Wilt

Aad. J. Termorshuizen

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Part III: Case Studies


M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

Chapter 15: Fusarium Diseases of Tomato

Cheng-Hua Huang, Pamela D. Roberts, and Lawrence E. Datnoff

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Chapter 16: Fusarium Wilts of Greenhouse Cucurbits: Melon, Watermelon, and Cucumber

Raymond D. Martyn and Demetrios J. Vakalounakis

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Chapter 17: Fusarium Wilts of Lettuce and Other Salad Crops

Michael E. Matheron and M. Lodovica Gullino

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Chapter 18: Fusarium Wilt of Sweet Basil

M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

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Chapter 19: Fusarium Wilt of Carnation

Angelo Garibaldi and M. Lodovica Gullino

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Chapter 20: Fusarium Wilts of Bulb Crops

M. Lodovica Gullino

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Chapter 21: Fusarium Wilts of Some Ornamental Compositae

Angelo Garibaldi and M. Lodovica Gullino

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Chapter 22: Fusarium Wilt of Cyclamen

Wade H. Elmer and Margery Daughtrey

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Chapter 23: Fusarium Wilts of Minor Ornamental Hosts

M. Lodovica Gullino and Angelo Garibaldi

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M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

Publish Date: 2012
Format: 8.5" x 11" hardcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-401-3
Online: 978-0-89054-482-2
Pages: 256
Images: 69 images
Publication Weight: 4 lbs

Edited by M. Lodovica Gullino, Jaacov Katan, and Angelo Garibaldi

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