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Fungal Pathogens and Diseases of Cereals Vol. 5 (DVD)
Fungal Pathogens and Diseases of Cereals Vol. 5 (DVD)

Through an exciting blend of vivid three-dimensional animations and real images, with informative commentaries, these videos provide fascinating insight into the life cycles of major fungal pathogens.

Item No. 43795
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Two videos Pythium Root Rot of Cereals and Rhizoctonia Root Rot of Cereals have been added to the DVD series The Biology of Fungal Pathogens resulting in the award-winning Volume 5: Fungal Pathogens and Diseases of Cereals DVD. Through an exciting blend of vivid three-dimensional animations and real images, with informative commentaries, these videos provide fascinating insight into the life cycles of major fungal pathogens. The series is an outstanding example of communication in modern science.

Winner of 26th International Film Festival AGROFILM
1st Prize in the Category "Scientific and Popular Scientific Films"

The Biology of Fungal Pathogens, Volume 5: Fungal Pathogens and Diseases of Cereals DVD

Clips in this Volume:

5.1 Pythium Root Rot of Cereals (10:00 min)
Winner of 26th International Film Festival AGROFILM
1st Prize in the Category "Scientific and Popular Scientific Films"
Death of seedlings due to rotting of their roots is known as ‘damping-off’. This disease is usually caused by oomycetes in the genus Pythium, soilborne microorganisms related to brown algae. The circle of host plants parasitized by Pythium includes a wide variety of crops from virtually all climatic zones. By infecting germinating seeds and seedlings of all major grain crops, Pythium can cause significant losses in terms of quality and yield. Pythium root rot of cereals is so ubiquitous that it has been rightly called the ‘common cold’ of cereals. This movie depicts the life cycle of Pythium using 3D computer animations blended with real images. Particularly, the formation and spread of motile zoospores is shown in detail. Finally, methods for successful disease management are explained.


5.2 Rhizoctonia Root Rot of Cereals (9:00 min)
The fungus Rhizoctonia solani is a widespread inhabitant of soil. Hyphal anastomosis criteria are used to place isolates of Rhizoctonia solani into taxonomically distinct groups called ‘anastomosis groups’. Rhizoctonia solani strains classified in AG-8 are especially pathogenic to cereals, causing a root rot and stunting of wheat and barley plants, known as Rhizoctonia bare patch. The disease can be increased in direct-seed systems that lack tillage. The life cycle of Rhizoctonia solani is explained in clear, easy-to-understand 3D animations. The closely related fungus Rhizoctonia cerealis causing sharp eyespot of wheat is also described, followed by sequences focusing on disease management methods, including seed treatment.


The Biology of Fungal Pathogens, Volume 5 Terms of Use

Standard Limited Use License

The Biology of Fungal Pathogens, Volume 5 is protected by copyright and its use is limited. It may be shown to, or viewed by, groups within a classroom or educational presentation setting, but may not be made available via local area network (LAN) without permission (permission for LAN also requires an additional LAN license fee). It may not be copied, or otherwise duplicated to share with other individuals in full or in part. It may not be transferred to the Internet in full or in part.

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The DVD and its content may not be run concurrently on more than one computer and it may not be networked unless an upgraded Local Area Network (LAN) License is purchased. If a LAN License is purchased, its use is limited to a specific site access and must be controlled to include only staff and/or students at that location. Within the LAN License the videos may be shown with the same privileges as the Limited Use License and also allows the videos to be viewed by students and staff autonomously as long as they are limited to access from the specified single location. If you are interested in a single-site LAN license for this product, the additional cost is $300, please contact

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Publish Date: 2009
Format: DVD; Multilingual Soundtrack-English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
ISBN: 978-0-89054-379-5
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

Edited by Prof. Dr. Joseph-Alexander Verreet and Dr. Holger Klink, In collaboration with Dr. Timothy Paulitz

Fungal Pathogens and Diseases of Cereals Vol. 5: Pythium Root Rot, Rhizoctonia Root Rot DVD

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