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Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology of Bark-Inhabiting...
Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology of Bark-Inhabiting...

"…contains valuable information provided by good descriptions and illustrations as photographs and drawings. Many mycologists will find it useful and illuminating. The scope of literature used in the study is impressive and the quality of book design is excellent."

Item No. 43672
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This monograph aids in the identification and study of fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae. Numerous studies revising the taxonomy of Cryphonectria or reporting on new hosts of these fungi have been published during the course of the past decade. The aim of this book is to draw together all recent and relevant information relating to the Cryphonectriaceae in one volume. This will considerably enhance the ability of plant pathologists, mycologists, and forest scientists to identify the important fungi residing in this Cryphonectriaceae family. The DNA database, keys, and descriptions for all Cryphonectria species and related taxa will also enhance the ability of those involved in quarantine regulations to recognize these fungi and help to reduce the chance of their accidental introduction into new areas.

Important features include:

  • All current and key literature related to the important tree pathogens residing in the Cryphonectriaceae
  • Identification keys, illustrated descriptions, and taxonomic summaries of all species currently in the Cryphonectriaceae
  • Phylogenetic comparisons that act as a quick reference to all important sequences, DNA matrices, and techniques that will enable characterization of new species
  • Hosts and species and their global geographical distribution
  • Color photographs of tree disease symptoms
  • Laboratory and identification techniques to this specialized group of fungi

Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology of Bark-Inhabiting and Tree-Pathogenic Fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae


History of the Cryphonectriaceae and Its Members

Early taxonomic history of Cryphonectria and Endothia
Typification of Cryphonectria
Newly Described Species and Genera
Description of a New Family
Anamorph States

Diseases and Ecology

Chestnut Blight
Chrysoporthe Canker of Eucalyptus
Canker of Eucalyptus Caused by Holocryphia eucalypti
Canker Caused by Microthia havanensis
Die-Back Caused by Aurapex penicillata
Cryphonectria gyrosa Stem Canker
Cankers on Eucalyptus Caused by Cryphonectria spp.
Celoporthe Canker
Canker of Terminalia Caused by Rostraureum tropicale
Root Cankers on Elaeocarpus
Endothia Canker or Pin Oak Blight

Pathogen Identification

Working with the Cryphonectriaceae

Isolates and Specimens
Phylogenetic Circumscription Through DNA Sequence Comparisons

Identification of Genera and Species

Morphological Characteristics and Terminology
Identification Through Phylogenetic Analyses

Dichotomous Key to Genera

Synoptic Key to Genera



Cryphonectria parasitica
Cryphonectria radicalis
Cryphonectria decipiens
Cryphonectria japonica
Cryphonectria macrospora


Microthia havanensis
Microthia coccolobae


Endothia gyrosa
Endothia singularis


Holocryphia eucalypti

Dichotomous Key to Rostraureum Species

Ampilogia gyrosa
Amphilogia major

Dichotomous Key to Rostraureum Species

Rostraureum tropicale
Rostraureum longirostre


Ursicolum fallax


Aurapex penicillata

Dichotomous Key to Chrysoporthe Species
Synoptic Key to Chrysoporthe Species

Chrysoporthe cubensis
Chrysoporthe austroafricana
Chrysoporthe doradensis
Chrysoporthe inopina
Chrysoporthella hodgesiana


Celoporthe dispersa

Species Excluded or of Questionable Validity

Excluded Species

Endothia viriistroma
Cryphonectria variicolor
Cryphonectria abscondita
Endothia nitschkei

Species of Questionable Validity

Literature Cited
Appendix I: Abbreviations
Appendix II: Figures
Appendix III: Host-Fungus Tables

Fungal Names Index
Host Names Index

“…this very clear book should act as an important and useful reference for many plant pathologists and arborists throughout the world for some time to come.”
—Microbiology Today

 “… provides plenty of information on taxonomy and ecology of the members of the Cryphonectriaceae family… will be very useful to mycologists and phytopathologists especially those working in tropic and subtropics countries.”
—Czech Mycology

 “…contains valuable information provided by good descriptions and illustrations as photographs and drawings. Many mycologists will find it useful and illuminating. The scope of literature used in the study is impressive and the quality of book design is excellent.”

“Without any question this book will be greatly welcomed by plant pathologists and should be present in all libraries concerned with forestry, dendrology, and plant protection.”
—Journal of Plant Protection Research

"... a nice identification manual and general knowledge source for this important group of fungal pathogens...provides a compact but comprehensive reference and identification manual for pathologists, quarantine personnel and taxonomists to this economically important fungal family. Written by the unquestioned experts in the field, its publication will be widely welcomed."
—P. F. Cannon

Publish Date: 2009
Format: 8.5” x 11” softcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-367-2
Pages: 136
Images: 14 color images; 38 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

By Marieka Gryzenhout, Brenda D. Wingfield, and Michael J. Wingfield

Taxonomy, Phylogeny, and Ecology of Bark-Inhabiting and Tree-Pathogenic Fungi in the Cryphonectriaceae

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