Quoting Hartig: “I hereby submit to the botanical and forestry public a series of investigations which have resulted from endeavors to lift a little the veil which until now has lay spread over most diseases of forest trees…. Whereas for a long time the diseases of agriculturally cultivated plants have been investigated and explained, of the most wide spread diseases of forest trees only a few have been investigated at all and even these few in no way elucidated in a satisfying manner…. The first series of my pathological works I publish now in the hope that it will be possible for me to allow others to follow in a short time.”
Important Diseases of Forest Trees: Contributions to Mycology and Phytopathology for Botanists and Foresters
Introduction: Review of the Morphology and Physiology of Fungi
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
Physiology of Fungi
The Honey Fungus (Hallimasch)
Causal Organism of Resin Flux (Harzsticken, Harzuberfulle), Root Rot, or the Basal Canker (Erdkrebs) of Coniferous Trees
The Mycelium of Agaricus melleus
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
The Mode of Life of Agaricus melleus
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate I and II
The Pine Fungus (Kiefernbaumschwamm)
Causal Organism of Red-rot, Bark- (Rindschale), Ring-, or Heart-shake of Scots Pine
The Mycelium
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
The Mode of Life of the Parasite
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate III, Fig. 1-19
The Root Fungus (Wurzelschwamm)
The Mycelium
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
The Mode of Life of the Parasite
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate III, Fig. 20-29
The Pine Blister Rust (Kiefernblasenrost)
Causal Organism of Scots Pine Needle Rust, Canker, Rust, or Scab of Scots Pine, and Resin Top (Kienzopf)
Generalities about the Rust Fungi
The Mycelium
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
The Mode of Life of the Parasite
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate IV
The Pine Twister
The Mycelium
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
The Mode of Life of Caeoma pinitorquum
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate V, Fig. 1-9
The Larch Needle Rust
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate V, Fig. 10-16
The Larch Bark Fungus
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate V, Fig. 16-21
The Spruce Needle Blight
Causal Organism of Spruce Needle Browning, Needle Reddening, and Needlecast
The Mycelium
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
Mode of Life of the Parasite
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate VI, Fig. 1-17
The Silver Fir Needle Blight
Causal Organism of Silver Fir Needle Browning and Needlecast
The Fruit Bodies and Reproductive Organs
Mode of Life of the Parasite
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate VI, Fig. 18-25
The Willow Rust
Explanation of Illustrations of Plate VI, Fig. 26-28
To Agaricus (Armillaria) melleus L.
To Trametes radiciperda R. Hrtg.
Publish Date: 1975
Format: PDF Online
ISBN: Print: (Out of Print)
Online: 978-0-89054-528-7
By Robert Hartig
Important Diseases of Forest Trees: Contributions to Mycology and Phytopathology for Botanists and Foresters