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Observations, Botanical and Physiological . . OOP
Observations, Botanical and Physiological . . OOP

APS PRESS Phytopathological Classic

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Berkeley had always been interested in fungi as organisms, but had this not been true, he would have been led irrevocably to his broad perspective, since many took advantage of his mycological knowledge. When Lindley, Kane, and Playfair were appointed to inquire into the potato murrain, they were “only too glad to avail themselves of Mr. Berkeley’s invaluable assistance.” Thus originated Berkeley’s first contribution to plant pathology, which conclusively controverted the prevailing view that Lindley voiced: “I am perfectly satisfied that fungi do not cause it; though God knows they follow it fast enough.”

Observations, Botanical and Physiological, on the Potato Murrain

Observations, Botanical and Physiological, on the Potato Murrain

Vegetable Pathology

Publish Date: 1948
Format: PDF Online
ISBN: Print: (Out of Print)
Online: 978-0-89054-523-2

By Miles Joseph Berkeley

Observations, Botanical and Physiological, on the Potato Murrain

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