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Pathogens Infecting Insects and Mites of Citrus
Pathogens Infecting Insects and Mites of Citrus

" excellent addition to the library of any entomologist who would like to know more about biological control, entomopathogens, citrus IPM, or citrus pests."
—Florida Entomologist

Item No. 77240
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Pathogens Infecting Insects and Mites of Citrus is a pictorial guide to the entomopathogens of phytophagous insects and mites found on all plant parts of citrus trees whether they are grown as a vast monoculture using contemporary high technological methods or as a few scattered trees grown on a hill side or in a homeowners' backyard. It includes illustrations of healthy citrus insects and mites and their feeding injury.

The purpose of this book is to present a comprehensive overview of the pathogens that cause disease of the various citrus arthropods, emphasizing:

  • visual recognition of a diseased host based on gross pathology
  • identification via diagnostic characters of the pathogen
  • visual recognition of healthy citrus pests and alternative ornamental hosts
  • and direct injury to the plant.

Pathogens Infecting Insects and Mites of Citrus

Chapter 1: An Entomological Perspective on the History of Citriculture

Chapter 2: Natural Control of Insects and Mites of Citrus

Chapter 3: Pathology of Insect Mycopathogens

Chapter 4: Armored Scales: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 5: Soft Scales and Mealybug: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 6: Whiteflies and Citrus Blackfly

Chapter 7: Aphids of Citrus

Chapter 8: Citrus Psyllid: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 9: The True Bugs and Sharpshooters: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 10: Lepidoptera: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 11: Social Insects: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 12: Citrus Root Weevils: Description, Biology and Plant Injury

Chapter 13: Fruitflies: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 14: Citrus Thrips: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 15: Grasshopper and Katydids: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 16: Eriophyiod Mites: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 17: Tetranychid Mites and Tenupalpid Mites: Description, Biology, and Plant Injury

Chapter 18: Perspectives on Microbial Control of Citrus Pests

Chapter 19: A Synopsis or Arthropods and Their Impact on Citrus Pest Management

" excellent addition to the library of any entomologist who would like to know more about biological control, entomopathogens, citrus IPM, or citrus pests."
—Florida Entomologist
Publish Date: 2010
Format: 8.5" x 11" hardcover
Pages: 193
Images: 159 images
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

By Clayton W. McCoy, Robert A. Samson, Drion G. Boucias, Lance S. Osborne, Jorge E. Pena, and Lyle J. Buss

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