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Studies in Mycology no. 73: Colletotrichum
Studies in Mycology no. 73: Colletotrichum

"This volume is a wonderful source to gather the most current information on the taxonomy and phylogeny of Colletotrichum species."
—Fungal Diversity

The volume consists of contributions that revise three of the major Colletotrichum species complexes, and a concluding paper that summarizes the present situation.

Item No. 51922
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This volume of Studies in Mycology is dedicated to Brian C. Sutton, in honour of his scientific contributions to our present understanding of the genus Colletotrichum, and for providing a framework for morphology-based identification of taxa in the genus. The volume consists of contributions that revise three of the major Colletotrichum species complexes, and a concluding paper that summarizes the present situation. It provides an online identification tool to recognized species, and also gives insight into future research directions. The research papers continue the trend of applying multi-locus phylogenetics to elucidate cryptic species complexes, and in the process designates numerous epitype specimens to fix the genetic application of names.

Furthermore, numerous novel taxa are introduced in the C. acutatum (treating 31 taxa, and introducing 21 novel species), C. boninense (treating 17 taxa, and introducing 12 novel species), and C. gloeosporioides (treating numerous taxa of which 22 are accepted, and introducing 9 novel taxa, as well as one novel subspecies) species complexes. Although some species appear to have preferences to specific hosts or geographical regions, others are plurivorous and are present in multiple regions.

The future for Colletotrichum biology will thus have to rely on consensus classification and robust online identification tools. In support of these goals, a Subcommission on Colletotrichum has been formed under the auspices of the International Commission on Taxonomy of Fungi, which will administer a carefully curated barcode database for sequence-based identification of species within the BioloMICS web environment.

Studies in Mycology No. 73: Colletotrichum: complex species or species complexes?

The Colletotrichum boninense species complex

“…important to scientists, researchers and teachers as well as students who are interested in Colletotrichum species. Therefore it should be available in learning institutions and research laboratories dealing with plant pathogens, and community libraries. This volume is a wonderful source to gather the most current information on the taxonomy and phylogeny of Colletotrichum species.”
—Fungal Diversity

Publish Date: 2012
Format: 8.5" x 11" softcover
Pages: 213
Images: 92 color images
Publication Weight: 3 lbs

By Ulrike Damm, Paul F. Cannon, and Pedro W. Crous

Studies in Mycology No. 73: Colletotrichum: complex species or species complexes?

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