By Richard Latin
Richard Latin is an emeritus professor of plant pathology from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he was a member of the faculty for more than 37 years. He is a fellow of The American Phytopathological Society and was recognized with the distinguished career award from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. Dr. Latin had research and teaching responsibilities in the area of turf disease management and dedicated his career to the investigation and implementation of practical solutions to contemporary plant disease problems. He currently works as an academic and industry consultant in Pinehurst, North Carolina.A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides, Second Edition, is a current, comprehensive, and hands-on resource focused specifically on the fungicides used for disease control on turfgrass. Author Richard Latin developed this user-friendly guide based on his belief that if turf managers understand how and why fungicides work (and sometimes fail), they will use these products more effectively and efficiently and communicate disease control issues with greater confidence. Latin describes the book as “an off-season resource” that can be used to reflect on past seasons and plan for the season ahead.
Since publication of the first edition of A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides in 2011, much has been learned about how fungicides work and how best to use them. Turf pathologists have explored interactions between fungicides and a variety of management, environmental, and genetic factors to optimize the use of these chemical tools. Investigative researchers have studied where fungicides reside in the turf profile and how long they will be effective, and basic research on fungicide resistance has helped explain how fungicide-resistant strains arise and how long they can remain predominant. In addition, new products have changed the day-to-day practice of turf disease management, including new succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) and demethylase inhibitor (DMI) fungicides and compounds that stimulate plants to manufacture their own antifungal defenses.
These findings and innovations have informed the second edition of A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides. Providing expanded coverage, this new book is 30% longer than the previous edition and includes 80 more illustrations, profiles of 11 new compounds, and up-to-date discussions of 27 turf diseases. Written for professionals in both industry and academia, this comprehensive revision addresses all the factors that contribute to the effective and efficient use of fungicides on turf. Turf managers, in particular, can rely on this book to make informed decisions and to effectively discuss control issues with administrators and the golfing public.
"The second edition of A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides by Dr. Richard Latin builds upon the success of his first edition. This is the most comprehensive book on fungicides and disease management for turfgrass managers. Since his first edition, numerous research papers have been published and additional diseases described in more detail. The second edition provides practical information on more diseases than the previous edition (e.g., copper spot, Pythium root dysfunction, Pythium root rot, and others) making it even more comprehensive. Numerous active ingredients available for the turf market are also described in detail. This includes many new effective fungicides in both the SDHI and DMI chemical classes. One of the best parts of the book that make it worth the investment is the full-color pages as well as the easy-to-digest figures and tables. This is a must-have book for anyone in the turfgrass industry. Dr. Latin did a great job providing even more value in this second edition."
— John Kaminski, Professor of Turfgrass Science at Penn State
”As a turfgrass disease consultant, I am continuously tasked with creating the best possible fungicide programs, and this book serves as a huge resource for me to check facts and provide clients with information on the best options and rotations. This book is well-organized, easy to understand, and extremely valuable, whether you are a 30-year veteran or new to using fungicides for disease control in the turfgrass landscape.”
—Steve McDonald, Owner of Turfgrass Disease Solutions
“…is an impressively comprehensive, nicely illustrated, and informative textbook that is especially and unreservedly recommended for professional, college and university library Agriculture/Horticulture collections and supplemental studies curriculums.”
—Library Bookwatch
Publish Date: 2021
Format: 8" x 10" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-673-4
Pages: 353
Publication Weight: 4 lbs
By Richard Latin
A Practical Guide to Turfgrass Fungicides, Second Edition