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Assess 2.0 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD with PDF Manual (Single User)
Assess 2.0 DIGITAL DOWNLOAD with PDF Manual (Single User)

Assess 2.0 quantifies and measures plant diseases quickly and accurately at a fraction of the cost of general image analysis software.

Item No. 46413D
APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 355.50
APS Members save: 10.0%

Once you purchase this digital download, you will receive an email to download a zipped folder containing the software (the pdf of the manual is included in your download).

Also available in Digital Download with PRINT Manual

For questions and answers on the software, click here.

Quickly and easily quantify disease symptoms on plants with Assess 2.0: Image Analysis Software for Plant Disease Quantification. Rapid measurement of leaf area, percent disease, root length, lesion count, percent ground cover, and applications are made simple with this versatile and affordable software. Assess 2.0 introduces automatic measurement (user-independent) of many plant diseases and ground cover, to make disease quantification fast, easy, reliable, and reproducible. Assess 2.0 can also be used as an interactive laboratory tool for real-time length and area measurements of anything that can be imaged (scanned, digital photographs, microscopy, etc.). 
The intuitive Windows-based interface makes image analysis and plant disease quantification simple. The program supports Twain-compliant imaging devices such as scanners, frame grabbers, or digital cameras for image acquisition, although images can be imported from any computer drive, CD, network, or other applications. Assess 2.0 supports all standard graphic file formats and most non-standard formats. 
Accompanied by a textbook-quality user manual (in pdf format) with nineteen easy-to-follow tutorials, Assess 2.0 makes learning and training fascinating and fun. Automated installation is hassle-free, allowing users to start working on plant disease quantification immediately. Optimized for use in plant pathology and agronomy, this revolutionary tool produces invaluable results for plant pathologists, agronomists, plant breeders, horticultural scientists, and anyone needing to analyze, quantify, and measure plants and plant diseases.

What’s NEW in Assess 2.0?

  • Automatic measurement of many plant disease lesions – No matter who measures the disease lesions, the result will always be the same.
  • Automatic measurement of ground cover Agronomists and those interested in measuring ground cover can do so with a single click of the mouse.
  • Automatic recognition and percent-disease measurement of individual leaves on the same image- This new feature is a real time-saver. You can scan many leaves on the same screen and obtain a disease measurement for each leaf with one click of the mouse.
  • Simple calibration Images scanned in Assess 2.0 no longer require calibration. Additionally, if the resolution of an image is known (dpi), the user simply enters the values into Assess 2.0. Physical units of measure can now be converted in Assess 2.0. You can calibrate an image in inches and later select one of 10 units without any calibration.
  • Support for all standard and many non-standard file formats for reading and writing Assess 2.0 can handle over 60 file formats, including several RAW formats for digital cameras. No need to convert images using other software.
  • Scanner interface

What’s ENHANCED in Assess 2.0?

  • Easy and intuitive user interface
  • Rapid measurement of area, percent disease, percent ground cover, lesion count, and root length
  • Real-time user interactive tool for area, length, and angle measurement
    Assess 2.0 can be used as a real-time digital tool for the measurement of area and lengths. This is a very fast way to measure areas of traced objects, lengths of straight lines, or arbitrarily-shaped curves (such as hyphae and roots).
  • Image acquisition from any Twain-compliant device including scanners, digital cameras, and frame grabbers
  • Simple macro utility and language to automate tasks and perform batch processing
Watch the new ASSESS 2.0 Demonstration Video that shows all the new and enhanced features.

 To view the demonstration video:

You will need the Windows Media™ Player, a plugin available from Microsoft Corp. If it is already installed on your computer, click on the links to view the clips. If you do not have the Windows Media™ Player, please follow all of the instructions below to obtain a copy of the plugin.

  • Click here to go to Microsoft's Windows Media download site.
  • Select the appropriate version of the plugin for your computer.
  • Select the correct option(s) in the dropdown menus and press the 'Download Now' button.
  • When the download is complete, click on the downloaded file to install the plugin and follow the directions on your screen.
  • When the setup is finished, the plugin will be installed.
  • Click on the link below and the video clip should open automatically.

Assess 2.0 (User Manual) Contents

Technical Data




I. Introduction

II. Starting Assess

III. The threshold panel

IV. Working with images: Some basics

V. Working with the Area of Interest (AOI)

VI. Spatial calibration

VII. The spreadsheet

VIII. Measurement

IX. The image histogram

X. Feature extraction

XI. The Digital Ruler

XII. Filtering

XIII. Macro utility

XIV. Image menu

XV. Tools

XVI. Options

XVII. Tutorials

XVIII. Questions and answers


Suggested Reading

This is your License Agreement for use of Assess 2.0: Image Analysis Software for Plant Disease Quantification (hereafter referred to as the Program). Your use of the Program constitutes acceptance of the Agreement. Please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement carefully before using the software. The American Phytopathological Society (hereafter referred to as APS) will license the software to you as the individual, the company, or the legal entity that will be utilizing the software (referenced below as "you or your") only on the condition that you accept all of the terms of this license agreement. This is a legal and enforceable contract between you and APS. By downloading and installing the software, you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

This Program is the property of APS and is protected by international treaty provisions and United States copyright law. You are granted a license to use this Program under the terms stated in this Agreement. APS retains all titles, copyrights, intellectual property rights, and ownership of the Program.

APS authorizes you to make one archival copy of the Program for the sole purpose of backing up your Program and protecting your investment from loss. The backup copy must be labeled or named as such and must include all copyright statements. Any other use of the Program without written permission from APS is in violation of copyright. You shall take reasonable action to restrict and control all use of the Program licensed hereunder, to enforce the restrictions, and to prevent access except to those authorized by the terms of this Agreement.

You may not rent or loan the Program without the written permission of APS.
You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, create a derivative work, or otherwise use the Program except as stated in this Agreement. You are granted license for use of the Program as Single-User Version License (unless you upgraded to a Multi-User Version License). You may copy or print out the documentation which accompanies the Program.

Single-User Version License:
Use of the Program is limited solely to the individual purchaser. It may not be loaned, rented, or otherwise shared with other individuals. The digital download and its content may not reside concurrently on more than one computer and it may not be networked.

Multi-User Version License : The Multi-User version of the Program may be networked within a single Local Area Network. It is available for use by an unlimited number of individuals at a single site.

To verify Single-User or Multi-User License Version:
This Program is a Single-User Version unless you purchased the Multi-User Version License. The specific version you purchased is designated on your invoice or packing slip. If you no longer have your invoice or packing slip and need to identify which license version you purchased, please contact The American Phytopathological Society, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St Paul, MN 55121 USA. Telephone +1.651.454.7250;;

Limitation of Warranties and Liability:
APS makes no warrant that the Program is free from bugs, errors, or omissions.

These warranties are in lieu of any other warranties, expressed or implied. In no event will APS be liable for damages, including financial or otherwise, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use of or inability to use the Program. In no event will APS's liability exceed the amount paid by the Customer for the Program. This will be APS's entire liability with respect to this License. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, therefore, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

Customer Support
APS will make a reasonable effort to answer technical questions concerning the Program through a website designed for this purpose (the web address is designated in the help menu of the program). APS supports the Program only if it is used under the conditions and on operating systems for which the Program is designed. Any technical assistance that APS may provide the Customer is provided solely as a service to the Customer for which APS assumes no liability. You can find a Q&A here:

If a term or condition of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect and shall be enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Please note: This software was converted to a digital download in 2020. Any reference to a CD while using the software, should be ignored.

(C) 2008 by The American Phytopathological Society. All rights reserved.

Publish Date: 2008
Format: Digital Download of software and manual
ISBN: 978-0-89054-641-3
Compatible with Windows, not compatible with Mac
Pages: 125

By Lakhdar Lamari

Assess 2.0: Image Analysis Software for Plant Disease Quantification DIGITAL DOWNLOAD with PDF Manual (Single User)

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