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Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Seed...2nd Ed
Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Seed...2nd Ed

" an essential, easy-to-use lab manual describing and illustrating the latest methods for detecting a wide range of bacteria responsible for many of the world's most economically significant bacterial plant diseases in crops."
—Library Bookwatch

  • Learn and apply the latest methods for detecting the world's top plant bacterial diseases
  • Includes easy-to-follow descriptions and illustrations
  • Ideal for labs, quarantine offices, seed operations, and universities

    Item No. 45393
    APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 155.70
    APS Members save: 10.0%

    Plant bacterial diseases are a major factor in economic crop losses worldwide.

    The transportation and use of clean, pathogen-free seed and propagative material is the most vital step in controlling bacterial diseases, but this requires accurate, rapid, sensitive, and reliable pathogen detection.

    The second edition of Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Seed and Other Planting Material is an essential, easy-to-use lab manual describing and illustrating the latest methods for detecting a wide range of bacteria responsible for many of the world’s most economically significant bacterial plant diseases in crops.

    Yet this book does more than describe and illustrate the use of real-time PCR, rapid PCR-based assays, and other methods for specific, sensitive detection of bacteria in seed and propagative material. Its 48 chapters offer background information on the given bacteria and the diseases they cause, describe symptoms, detail their epidemiology, identify strategies for disease management, and provide protocols for detection in thorough detail.

    The second edition of this comprehensive reference, published more than 25 years after the first edition, is organized into four parts:

    • General Seed Pathology
    • Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Cereals, Grain, Legumes, Grasses, and Forage
    • Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Vegetables
    • Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Vegetatively Propagated Crops

    In addition to serving as a vital resource for seed companies, quarantine operations, and diagnostic labs, this book is an excellent laboratory guide for classroom instruction. It can also help facilitate rapid technology transfer in developing countries, where opportunities to receive training in this important field are rare.

    Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Seed and Other Planting Material, Second Edition

    PART I: General Seed Pathology


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    Bacterial Diseases of Plants: Epidemiology and Management Strategies

    M’Barek Fatmi and Hasan Bolkan


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    Taxonomy of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria

    Norman W. Schaad, Erin Schuenzel, and Jeffrey B. Jones


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    Review of Seed Sample Size Determination and Methods for Extracting Phytopathogenic Bacteria from Seeds

    Ron R. Walcott and Ron D. Gitaitis

    PART II: Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Cereals, Grain, Legumes, Grasses, and Forage


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    Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae in Wheat Seeds

    Siham Asaad, David C. Sands, and S. Krishna Mohan


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    Detection of Xanthomonas translucens in Wheat Seeds

    Etienne Duveiller and Claude Bragard


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    Detection of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii in Maize Seeds

    Charles C. Block, Lisa M. Shepherd, and Jerald K. Pataky


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    Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis in Maize Seeds

    Lisa M. Shepherd, Charles C. Block, and Anne K. Vidaver


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    Detection of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola in Rice Seeds

    Casiana M. Vera Cruz, Bart Cottyn, Marian Hanna Nguyen, Jillian Lang, Valérie Verdier, Twng Wah Mew, and Jan E. Leach


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    Detection of Acidovorax oryzae in Rice Seeds

    Tingchang Zhao, Wei Guan, Laixin Luo, Jianqiang Li, Jianjun Feng, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 10

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    Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and X. fuscans subsp. fuscans in Common Bean Seeds

    Robert L. Gilbertson, Michael O’Leary, Irina V. Agarkova, and Anne K. Vidaver

    CHAPTER 11

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    Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola in Bean Seeds

    S. Krishna Mohan, Yvette Berthier-Schaad, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 12

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    Detection of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in Bean Seeds and in Seeds of Other Leguminosae Crops

    Stefania Tegli, Matteo Cerboneschi, and Anne K. Vidaver

    CHAPTER 13

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    Detection of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea in Soybean Seeds

    Lisa M. Shepherd and Charles C. Block

    CHAPTER 14

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    Detection of Rhodococcus fascians in Chickpea Seeds

    Irina V. Agarkova and Anne K. Vidaver

    CHAPTER 15

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    Detection of Rathayibacter spp. in Seeds of Cereals and Grasses

    Elena Postnikova, Irina V. Agarkova, William L. Schneider, Aaron J. Sechler, and Ian T. Riley

    CHAPTER 16

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    Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus in Alfalfa Seeds

    Deborah A. Samac, Kathy Ophel-Keller, and David Caffier

    PART III: Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Vegetables

    CHAPTER 17

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    Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in Tomato Seeds

    M’Barek Fatmi, Hasan Bolkan, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 18

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    Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in Tomato Seeds

    Parm Randhawa, Prakash Pradhanang, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 19

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    Detection of Xanthomonas spp. in Tomato and Pepper Seeds

    Sally A. Miller, Jeffrey B. Jones, and Chester Kurowski

    CHAPTER 20

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    Detection of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae in Carrot Seeds

    Lindsey J. du Toit, Robert L. Gilbertson, Margreet Asma, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 21

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    Detection of Pantoea spp. in Onion Seeds

    Teresa A. Coutinho and Ron R. Walcott

    CHAPTER 22

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    Detection of Burkholderia cepacia in Onion Planting Materials and Onion Seeds

    Ali M. Zaid, Jo Ann E. Asselin, and Steven V. Beer

    CHAPTER 23

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    Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in Crucifer Seeds

    Harrie Koenraadt, Deborah L. Hailstones, Alexander Ignatov, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 24

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    Detection of Pseudomonas Pathogens from Crucifer Seeds

    Carolee T. Bull and Steven T. Koike

    CHAPTER 25

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    Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians in Lettuce Seeds

    Steven T. Koike and Robert L. Gilbertson

    CHAPTER 26

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    Detection of Acidovorax citrulli in Cucurbit Seeds

    Ron R. Walcott, Jianjun Feng, and Ron D. Gitaitis

    CHAPTER 27

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    Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans in Cucumber Seeds

    Carmen N. Mortensen and M’Barek Fatmi

    CHAPTER 28

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    Detection of Pantoea ananatis in Melon Seeds

    Kazutaka Kido and Yuichi Takikawa

    PART IV: Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Vegetatively Propagated Crops

    CHAPTER 29

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    Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus in Potato Tubers

    Solke H. De Boer, John G. Elphinstone, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 30

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    Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in Potato and Geranium

    X. Li, Solke H. De Boer, Anne M. Alvarez, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 31

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    Detection of Common Scab–Causing Streptomyces in Potato Tubers and Soil

    Leslie A. Wanner and M’Barek Fatmi

    CHAPTER 32

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    Detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in Potato

    Wenbin Li, Jorge A. Abad, Aimin Wen, Neil C. Gudmestad, Jacob A. Price, and Charlie M. Rush

    CHAPTER 33

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    Detection of Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp. in Potato Tubers

    Solke H. De Boer, Amy O. Charkowski, and Jan M. van der Wolf

    CHAPTER 34

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    Detection of Xanthomonas fragariae in Strawberry Planting Stock

    Parm Randhawa and Edwin Civerolo

    CHAPTER 35

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    Detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in Citrus Planting Materials

    Yongping Duan and Wenbin Li

    CHAPTER 36

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    Detection of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri in Citrus

    U. Lertsuchatavanich, J. Cubero, N. Thaveechai, and P. Llop

    CHAPTER 37

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    Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Grape, Almond, and Citrus

    M’Barek Fatmi, Jianchi C. Chen, and Norman W. Schaad

    CHAPTER 38

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    Detection of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex in Peach, Plum, and Shade Trees

    C. J. Chang, Frank Wong, and Paul Vincelli

    CHAPTER 39

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    Detection of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. sandyi in Oleander

    Donald A. Cooksey and Hamid R. Azad

    CHAPTER 40

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    Detection of Erwinia amylovora in Asymptomatic Budwood of Pear, Apple, and Quince

    M’Barek Fatmi and Kerik D. Cox

    CHAPTER 41

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    Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in Kiwifruit Plants

    Angelo Mazzaglia and Giorgio M. Balestra

    CHAPTER 42

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    Detection of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi in Asymptomatic Olive Plants

    Stefania Tegli, Matteo Cerboneschi, and M’Barek Fatmi

    CHAPTER 43

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    Detection of Agrobacterium spp. in Grapevines

    Thomas J. Burr, Kameka L. Johnson, Supaporn Kaewnum, and Erno Szegedi

    CHAPTER 44

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    Detection of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli in Sugarcane

    Michael P. Grisham and Jeffrey W. Hoy

    CHAPTER 45

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    Detection of Xanthomonas albilineans in Sugarcane

    Freddy Fernando Garces, Jeffrey W. Hoy, and Michael P. Grisham

    CHAPTER 46

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    Detection of Rhodococcus fascians in Ornamental Plants

    Melodie L. Putnam

    CHAPTER 47

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    Detection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Ornamental Plants

    Melodie L. Putnam

    CHAPTER 48

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    Detection of Burkholderia gladioli in Orchids

    Lisa Keith and Piyarat Thammakijjawat
    " an essential, easy-to-use lab manual describing and illustrating the latest methods for detecting a wide range of bacteria responsible for many of the world's most economically significant bacterial plant diseases in crops."
    —Library Bookwatch
    Publish Date: 2017
    Format: 8.5” × 11” softcover
    ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-539-3
    Online: 978-0-89054-541-6
    Pages: 360
    Images: 205 images
    Publication Weight: 4 lbs

    Edited by M’Barek Fatmi, Ron R. Walcott, and Norman W. Schaad

    Detection of Plant-Pathogenic Bacteria in Seed and Other Planting Material, Second Edition

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