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Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases, 2nd Ed
Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases, 2nd Ed

This book's easy-to-use format and 173 symptom images makes it accessible to nursery and landscape professionals, and even home gardeners. It is also a useful reference for students, academics, and extension staff working in entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, nematology, and related disciplines.


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Quickly Diagnose and Control Pest-related Issues of Rhododendron and Azalea Plants

“Compendium” is defined as “a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject.” Commercial growers, gardeners, and plant scientists alike will find that the Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition, fits this definition perfectly.

This comprehensive book does more than provide the most current disease and pest information for commercial and non-commercial growers throughout the world. It provides it in a simple, easy-to-use format that helps readers quickly recognize and control pest-related problems of these valuable and beautiful plants.

The Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition is an essential tool for gardeners, commercial growers, consultants, and others who cultivate these plants in commercial nurseries, home gardens, park and municipal landscapes, and similar settings. It is also a useful reference for students, plant scientists, and extension experts working in entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, nematology, and related disciplines.

Symptom diagnosis is improved through a new collection of more than 170 color photos throughout the book and an easy-to-use symptoms-based diagnostic guide.

Management strategies cover various production systems used throughout the world and are segmented by geography and environment.

Editors Robert G. Linderman and D. Michael Benson, both rhododendron and azalea experts in their own right, selected top authorities on rhododendron and azalea diseases and insects to write this edition. These contributors offer important new and updated information since the first edition of this book was published in 1986:

  • Part I, titled Diseases Caused by Infectious Agents, addresses commonly occurring diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, higher plants, nematodes, and algae. A new section on virus diseases has been updated to include azalea ringspot disease, Rhododendron virus N, and Rhododendron virus A and related viruses.
  • Part II, Diseases Caused by Noninfectious Agents, discusses damage caused by moisture, heat, and cold stress, as well as mineral deficiencies and toxicities, air pollution, and pesticide phytotoxicities. A new section on noninfectious agents covers genetic abnormalities, including tissue proliferation and witches’-broom.
  • Part III, Disease and Pest Management, provides a thorough discussion of management strategies, such as exclusion, eradication, quarantine, sanitation, irrigation water treatment, chemical control, host resistance, and cultural practices. A new section, called “Biology and Application of Beneficial Microbes,” presents much of the latest thinking and research on a range of crops (not limited to rhododendron and azalea) and highlights new nonchemical approaches to disease and pest management.
  • Part IV, Insect and Mite Pests, includes nearly 40 color photos and provides detailed treatments of the full range of pests that affect rhododendron and azalea. The section on pest management has been expanded and includes a table that identifies the insecticides and miticides used to manage these pests.

A comprehensive index, an appendix that presents an updated list of common plant disease names for rhododendron and azalea, and a glossary of terms, including new terms not covered in the book’s first edition, are provided as well.

Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition


Transplant and Transport
Best Management Practices
Impact of Plant Stress on Disease
Extent of Root Infections
Quick Guide to Diagnosis Based on Symptoms

Part I. Diseases Caused by Infectious Agents

Diseases Caused by Fungi

Phytophthora Root Rot
Armillaria Root Rot
Phymatotrichopsis Root Rot
Pythium Damping-Off and Root Rot
Rhizoctonia Damping-Off and Root Rot
Rhizoctonia Web Blight
Botryosphaeria Dieback
Phomopsis Dieback
Phytophthora Dieback
Cylindrocladium Blight and Wilt
Other Twig Blights
Leaf and Flower Gall
Ovulinia Petal Blight
Powdery Mildew
Leaf Spots

Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Crown Gall

Diseases Caused by Viruses

Rhododendron necrotic ringspot virus
Mosaic and Leaf Spots
Azalea Ringspot Disease
Rhododendron virus A and Related Viruses
Rhododendron virus N

Diseases Caused by Higher Plants


Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Diseases Caused by Algae

Algal Leaf Spot and Stem Infection

Part II. Diseases Caused by Noninfectious Agents

Moisture Stress, Heat Injury, and Winter Injury
Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities

Nutrient Deficiencies
Nutrient Toxicities

Air Pollution Injury

General Diagnosis and Symptoms of Injury
Specific Causes and Symptoms of Injury
Management of Injuries

Pesticide Phytotoxicities
Genetic Abnormalities

Tissue Proliferation

Part III. Disease and Pest Management

Overview of Management Strategies
Exclusion, Eradication, and Quarantine Regulations

North America
Other Countries


Plant Materials
Containers, Media, and Tools

Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Developing a Facility and Production Plan
Selecting a Water Treatment Technology

Chemical Control

Preventive Fungicide Applications
Chemical Control of Diseases in the Landscape
Mode of Action Groups and FRAC Codes
New FRAC Codes

Biology and Application of Beneficial Microbes

Fungal and Bacterial Biocontrol Agents and Growth Stimulators
Entomopathogens as Insect Biocontrol Agents
Suppressive Soils, Composts, and Compost Teas
Root Fungal Endophytes (Mycorrhizae)

Host Resistance
Cultural Practices

Part IV. Insect and Mite Pests

Black Vine and Other Weevils
Rhododendron Borer
Scale Insects and Relatives

Scale Insects

Lace Bugs, Rhododendron Tip Midge, and Rootworms

Lace Bugs
Rhododendron Tip Midge
Strawberry Rootworm
Cranberry Rootworm


Greenhouse Thrips
Other Thrips Species


Southern Red Mite
Two-Spotted Spider Mite
Broad Mite
Other Mite Species

Caterpillars, Climbing Cutworms, and Leafminer

Azalea Caterpillar
Climbing Cutworms
Azalea Leafminer

Pest Management

Implementing an Integrated Pest Management Program
Biological Control


Diseases of Rhododendron
Diseases of Azalea


"The writing is both comprehensive and clear. The book is suitable for university libraries, research centers, botanic gardens and schools dealing with plant pathogens, fungal study, entomology and biological control centers."
—Fungal Diversity

"...invaluable to nurseries and major gardens where they need a reference their employees can use to diagnose, solve, and prevent problems." "...the new APS compendium delivers."
Journal of American Rhododendron Society

Publish Date: 2014
Format: 8.5” × 11” softcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-436-5
Online: 978-0-89054-439-6
Pages: 144
Images: 173 color images; 8 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Robert G. Linderman and D. Michael Benson

Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests, Second Edition

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