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Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials
Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials

"A seminal and definitive work, Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials is an essential addition to academic horticultural reference collections, as well as an invaluable informational resource for plant nurseries and home gardeners."
—The Midwest Book Review

Item No. 43740
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No other book combines this level of illustration with such comprehensive information on disease problems of herbaceous perennial plants!

Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials is a beautifully illustrated, practical, scientifically reviewed reference book that will help you identify and solve plant disease problems specific to these valuable ornamental plants. As the popularity of herbaceous perennials in the landscape continues to rise, there is a demand for more information on how to produce and grow these striking plants successfully.

The common diseases of more than 150 popular perennials are included in this book, arranged alphabetically by plant and accompanied by hundreds of fine color photographs to assist in accurate disease diagnosis. Short descriptions of the cultural conditions that will help these plants remain healthy and thrive are given for each host plant. Tips are provided to assist growers and gardeners in managing challenging diseases. This guide includes extensive color illustrations of diseases commonly found on herbaceous perennials in landscapes and nursery production. Accurate color images assist the reader in correctly distinguishing between disease and insect problems and leads to correct disease diagnosis when faced with a bewildering array of symptoms.

The aim of this book is to help readers to recognize the major diseases of herbaceous perennial ornamentals and to manage them effectively. It will be valuable to commercial plant producers and retailers, landscape managers, professional, home, and master gardeners, and the many advisors and extension professionals that serve the green industry. Professional plant diagnostic labs, plant health inspectors, and plant industry salespeople will find this book an essential aid for properly identifying new plant diseases such as downy mildew on rudbeckia, as well as the classic plant problems such as Botrytis blight on peony. To assist those new to the concepts of plant disease, supplementary information is included on the different kinds of micro-organisms that can cause contagious plant problems. References are provided for further reading and a glossary is available to help readers understand unfamiliar terms. Anyone who loves perennials will be able to use this book.

This book consists of three sections. The first section describes basic strategies for diagnosing and managing disease of herbaceous perennials. It explains why Integrated Pest Management is important and outlines some helpful practices to keep diseases in check. The second section includes short profiles of 12 major types of diseases that attack herbaceous perennials. This section helps readers understand how different types of disease-causing agents live and act, and how best to protect plants against them. The third and main section of the book is organized alphabetically by the genus of each perennial plant, which helps readers quickly find information for a particular plant of interest. A Common Name to Latin Name Index is included to help those that are unfamiliar with the Latin names of plants. Photos of some of the major diseases of each genus are combined with text descriptions.

Special features include:

  • Over 700 color images of diseases commonly found on herbaceous perennials
  • Up-to-date information on important diseases to watch for
  • A primer on the different categories of plant diseases and how they are managed
  • Symptom descriptions to help the reader tell major diseases of perennials apart
  • The basic cultural requirements of each plant
  • Encyclopedic arrangement (alphabetically, plant-by-plant)

Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials

About the Authors


Diagnosing and Managing Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials

General Types of Diseases

Fungal Leaf Spots
Gray Mold
Powdery Mildew
Root Rots Caused by Fungi
Rusts and Smuts
Vascular Wilts Caused by Fungi
Downy Mildews
Root and Stem Rots Caused by Fungus-Like Organisms
Bacterial Diseases
Virus Diseases

Diseases by Host Plant Genus (and common name)
Acanthus (bear’s breeches)
Achillea (yarrow)
Aconitum (monkshood)
Actaea (cohosh or baneberry)
Aegopodium (snow on the mountain or bishop’s weed)
Agapanthus (African-lily)
Agastache (giant hyssop)
Ajuga (bugleweed)
Alcea (hollyhock)
Alchemilla (lady’s mantle)
Allium (onion)
Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily)
Anemone (windflower)
Aquilegia (columbine)
Arabis (rockcress)
Argyranthemum (dill daisy)
Arisaema (Jack-in-the-pulpit)
Armeria (sea-thrift)
Artemisia (wormwood)
Aruncus (goat’s beard)
Asarum (wildgingers)
Asclepias (milkweed)
Aster Astilbe (false spirea)
Astrantia (masterwort)
Baptisia (false indigo)
Begonia (begonia)
Belamcanda (blackberry lily)
Bellis (English daisy)
Bergenia (pigsqueak)
Brunnera (Siberian bugloss)
Caladium (elephant ear)
Caltha (marsh marigold)
Campanula (bellflower)
Canna (canna lily)
Centaurea (knapweed or cornflower)
Centranthus (red valerian or Jupiter’s beard)
Ceratostigma (leadwort)
Chelone (turtle-head)
Chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum)
Clematis (leather flower)
Convallaria (lily-of-the-valley)
Coreopsis (tickseed)
Corydalis (Corydalis)
Crocosmia (Montbretia)
Dahlia (dahlia)
Dasiphora (shrubby cinquefoil)
Delphinium Dianthus (pinks)
Dicentra (bleeding heart)
Dictamnus (gas plant)
Digitalis (foxglove)
Doronicum (leopard’s bane)
Echinacea (coneflower)
Echinops (globethistle)
Epimedium (barrenwort)
Eremurus (foxtail lily)
Eryngium (sea holly)
Erysimum (wallflower)
Eupatorium (thoroughwort, boneset, or joe pye weed)
Euphorbia (spurge)
Euryops (Euryops)
Farfugium (leopard plant)
Ferns Filipendula (meadowsweet or false spirea)
Fragaria (strawberry)
Gaillardia (blanket flower)
Galium (sweet woodruff)
Gaura (beeblossom)
Geranium (cranesbill)
Geum (avens)
Gladiolus (glad)
Grasses and Sedges, Ornamental
     Fountain Grass
     Hakone Grass
     Maiden Grass
     Reed Grass
     Switchgrass and Millet
     Reed Canarygrass
Gypsophila (baby’s breath)
Helenium (sneezeweed)
Helianthemum (sun rose)
Helianthus (sunflower)
Heliopsis (oxeye daisy or false sunflower)
Helleborus (hellebore)
Hemerocallis (daylily)
Heuchera (alumroot)
Hibiscus (Confederate rose)
Hosta (plantain lily)
Hyacinthus (hyacinth)
Hypericum (St. John’s-Wort)
Iberis (candytuft)
Iris (iris)
Kniphofia (torch lily)
Lamium (dead nettle)
Lavandula (lavender)
Leucanthemum (Shasta daisy)
Lewisia (lewisia)
Liatris (blazing star)
Lilium (lily)
Limonium (statice)
Liriope Lobelia (lobelia)
Lupinus (lupine)
Lychnis (campion)
Lysimachia (loosestrife)
Lythrum (loosestrife)
Maianthemum (mayflower)
Malva (mallow)
Mentha (mint)
Mertensia (bluebells)
Monarda (Oswego tea, bergamot or bee-balm)
Myosotis (forget-me-not)
Narcissus (daffodil)
Nepeta (catmint)
Oenothera (sundrops or evening primroses)
Opuntia (prickly pear)
Origanum (oregano)
Paeonia (peony)
Papaver (poppy)
Patrinia (patrinia)
Penstemon (beardtongue)
Pentas (star flower)
Perovskia (Russian sage)
Phlox (phlox)
Phormium (New Zealand flax or flax lily)
Physalis (Chinese lantern)
Physostegia (obedient plant)
Platycodon (balloon flower)
Podophyllum (mayapple)
Polemonium (Jacob’s Ladder)
Polygonatum (Solomon’s seal)
Primula (primrose)
Pulmonaria (lungworts)
Ranunculus (buttercup)
Rosmarinus (rosemary)
Rudbeckia (coneflower)
Ruta (rue)
Salvia (sage)
Santolina (lavender cotton)
Saxifraga (saxifrage)
Scabiosa (pincushion flower)
Scutellaria (skullcap)
Sedum (stonecrop)
Sempervivum (hens and chicks)
Silene (campion)
Solidago (goldenrod)
Stachys (betony)
Stokesia (Stokes’ aster)
Tanacetum (tansy)
Teucrium (germander)
Thalictrum (meadow-rue)
Thermopsis (false lupine)
Thymus (thyme)
Tiarella (foamflower)
Tradescantia (spiderwort)
Tricyrtis (toad lily)
Trillium (trillium)
Trollius (globeflower)
Tulipa (tulip)
Verbascum (mullein)
Verbena (vervain)
Veronica (speedwell)
Viola (violet)
Waldsteinia (barren strawberry)
Yucca (Adam’s needle)
Zantedeschia (calla lily)

Common-Latin Name Directory

Photo Credits

This practical and scientifically reviewed book helps to recognize disease and provides information on how to keep popular ornamental plants healthy…recommended to all plant growers and plant pathologists.”
—Czech Mycology

"Any gardener, any phytopathologist, or any gardening phytopathologist will like this book!”
—Dept. of Plant Pathology, Cornell University

“…libraries of horticulture students and professionals should hold a place for this wonderful book…highly recommended."

 “…a well-written and illustrated publication for a wide audience. Professional growers as well as home gardeners will find this book easy to use when diagnosing plant diseases in the green-house or the landscape.”
—Journal of Agricultural & Food Information

“A seminal and definitive work, Diseases of Herbaceous Perennials is an essential addition to academic horticultural reference collections, as well as an invaluable informational resource for plant nurseries and home gardeners.”
—The Midwest Book Review

“…this compendium is the best in this category. All readers and users of this compendium will find very useful and helpful. I strongly recommend this book to all horticultural libraries and to the attention of persons professionally involved in horticulture and plant protection sciences.”
—Journal of Plant Protection Research

“… supported by lavish, superb colour photographs…recommend purchase by individuals, horticultural businesses, and institutions. The latter might also consider purchasing an accompanying CD of the book’s images for teaching purposes.”
—Plant Pathology

Publish Date: 2009
Format: 8.5” x 11” hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-374-0
Pages: 296
Images: 700+ color images
Publication Weight: 4 lbs

By Mark L. Gleason, Margery L. Daughtrey, Ann R. Chase, Gary W. Moorman, and Daren S. Mueller

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