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Running time: 25 minutes
Designed for college and advanced high school students, this 25-minute video examines the interactions of biological and social factors during the Irish Potato Famine, which started in 1845 as a result of a potato disease epidemic. Included is a brief instructor's guide that offers an overview of the video material, sample questions to stimulate class discussion, a glossary, illustrations of two key concepts, and a list of literature references.
Teaching Objectives:
- Demonstrate the importance of food production in daily life and show what can happen when something goes wrong
- Explain the "disease pyramid," the concept that diseases often result from interactions among a susceptible host, a virulent pathogen, and a favorable environment over a proper amount of time
- Introduce the structures and life cycle of a plant pathogenic fungus
- Impart an understanding of social and political factors that affect the production and distribution of food
Late Blight and the Irish Potato Famine DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
The download package contains the video in mp4 format. The mp4 format is compatible with most digital devices (Mac, Windows, and mobile devices).
Running time: 25 minutes
Late Blight and the Irish Potato Famine Video Terms of Use
Standard Limited Use License (for presentations or individual use)
Late Blight and the Irish Potato Famine is protected by copyright and its use is limited to individual use. It may be shown to, or viewed by, groups within a classroom or educational presentation setting, but may not be made available via local area network (LAN) without permission (permission for LAN also requires an additional LAN license fee). It may not be copied, or otherwise duplicated to share with other individuals in full or in part. It may not be transferred to the Internet in full or in part.
Local Area Network (LAN) License Upgrade (for multiple user access)
The video files and their content may not be run concurrently on more than one computer and may not be networked unless an upgraded Local Area Network (LAN) License is purchased. If a LAN License is purchased, its use is limited to a specific site access and must be controlled to include only staff and/or students at that location. Within the LAN License the videos may be shown with the same privileges as the Limited Use License and also allows the videos to be viewed by students and staff autonomously as long as they are limited to access from the specified single location. If you are interested in a single-site LAN license for this product, the additional cost is $300, please contact aps@scisoc.org.
If you are uncertain which license privileges you qualify for, please contact aps@scisoc.org. Distribution without the permission of the publishers is prohibited. Infringements will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.
Publish Date: 1996
Format: mp4 video file
Running time: 25 minutes
ISBN: 978-0-89054-661-1
By Darin M. Eastburn and Cleora J. D’Arcy