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Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology & Host...
Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology & Host...

"The book will be essential reading for researchers, graduate students, teachers of plant pathology, extension workers, diagnosticians, in fact anyone who wants a single source of reference for Colletotrichum."
—P. R. Mills, Plant Pathology

Item No. 42589
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Summarizing the research of leading scientists, this book focuses on the genus Colletotrichum and the development of Colletotrichum species epidemics worldwide. The information in this volume can be used to develop control strategies for Colletotrichum disease epidemics and to understand Colletotrichum problems in the areas of biology, pathology, and control.

Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology, and Host-Pathogen Interaction features research emphasizing sub-specific variation, host range, genetics and quantitative epidemiology among various plants, including fruit and vegetable crops. As epidemics of Colletotrichum species are appearing worldwide, this publication will serve plant scientists, educators, students, extension agents, agriculture professionals, libraries, scientific diagnosticians, and government agencies worldwide.

Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology, and Host-Pathogen Interaction

Systematics, Vegetative Compatibility and the Sexual Stage

Linking the past, present, and future of Colletotrichum systematics

P. Cannon, P. D. Bridge, and E. Monte

The importance of phylogeny in understanding host relationships with Colletotrichum

P. R. Johnston

Genetic regulation of sexual compatibility in Glomerella graminicola

L. Vaillancourt, J. Wang, and R. Hanau

Vegetative compatibility in Colletotrichum

T. Katan

Infection Process

Dissecting the cell biology of Colletotrichum infection processes

R. J. O’Connell, S. Perfect, B. Hughes, R. Carzaniga, J. A. Bailey, and J. Green

Early molecular communication between Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its host

P. E. Kolattukudy, Y. Ki. Kim, D. Li, Z. M. Liu, and L. Rogers

Regulation of melanin biosynthesis genes during appressorium formation by Colletotrichum lagenarium

Y. Kubo, Y. Takano, G. Tsuji, O. Horino, and I. Furusawa

Host Specificity and Genetic Diversity

Colletotrichum as model system for defining the genetic basis of fungal symbiotic life styles

R. Rodriguez and R. S. Redman

Genetic diversity and host specificity of Colletotrichum species on various fruits

S. Freeman

Inter- and intra-species variation in Colletotrichum and mechanisms which affect population structure

J. C. Correll, J. C. Guerber, L. A. Wasilwa, J. F. Sherrill, and T. W. Morelock

Pathogenicity Genes

Gene transfer and expression in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose on Stylosanthes

J. M. Manners, S. A. Stephenson, C. He, and D. J. Maclean

The endopolygalacturonases of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum: Molecular characterization, gene expression, and elicitor activity

B. Dumas, G. Boudart, S. Centis, and M. T. Esquerré-Tugayé

Regulation of Pathogenicity and Host Resistance

Signal exchange during Colletotrichum trifolii-alfalfa interactions

M. B. Dickman

Resistance Mechanisms of Subtropical Fruits to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

D. Prusky, I. Kobiler, R. Ardi, D. Beno-Moalem, N. Yakoby, and N. T. Keen

Mycoherbicides and Their Use

Colletotrichum strains for weed control

A. K. Watson, J. Gressel, A. Sharon, and A. Dinoor


Potential for biological control of diseases caused by Colletotrichum

L. Korsten and P. Jeffries

Major Colletotrichum Hosts

Colletotrichum diseases of strawberries in Florida

D. E. Legard

Biology and control of anthracnose diseases of citrus

L. W. Timmer and G. E. Brown

Occurrence and management of anthracnose epidemics caused by Colletotrichum species on tree fruit crops in California

J. E. Adaskaveg and H. Förster

Recent advances in understanding Colletotrichum diseases of some tropical perennial crops

J. M. Waller and P. D. Bridge

Host-pathogen interaction and variability of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum

M. Melotto, R. S. Balardin, and J. D. Kelly

Colletotrichum coccodes on potato

L. Tsror (Lahkim) and D. A. Johnson

The Biology of Colletotrichum graminicola and maize anthracnose

G. C. Bergstrom and R. L. Nicholson

"The book will be essential reading for researchers, graduate students, teachers of plant pathology, extension workers, diagnosticians, in fact anyone who wants a single source of reference for Colletotrichum."
—P. R. Mills, Plant Pathology

Publish Date: 2000
Format: 6" x 9" softcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-258-3
Pages: 400
Images: 69 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Dov Prusky, Stanley Freeman, and Martin Dickman

Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology, and Host-Pathogen Interaction

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