Plant Pathology Experts Share Why They Choose APS
On this page, you'll meet leading experts in the field of plant pathology who rely on APS products and services. Hear firsthand why they value what APS offers and how it helps them excel in their work.
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Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease
Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease provides “one-stop shopping” for information about plant nutrients and how they affect plant diseases, according to co-lead editor Lawrence E. Datnoff. Particularly in the field, it can be difficult to know if a problem is nutritional, caused by disease, or results from some combination of the two. Click
here to learn more.

Wade Elmer, co-lead editor of
Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease, describes one of the key updates to the new second edition: the use of nanotechnology in plant pathology, including examples of plant diseases suitable for this kind of study. Click
here to learn more.

APS Past-President Lindsey J. du Toit describes the APS series
Compendia of Plant Diseases and Pests as being invaluable in helping people understand the role of plant nutrition in plant diseases. She feels the compendia are especially valuable for growers in determining what they might optimize in a crop fertility program. Click
here to learn more.
Crop Science and Agricultural Outreach
The Farmer’s Guides (corn, soybean, wheat) present what’s known about crop diseases that occur in the United States in an easy-to-understand, highly illustrated format, according to Andrew Friskop, Cereal Crop Extension Plant Pathologist at NDSU. Friskop recommends using the books in the field to diagnose or to better understand a crop disease. Click
here to learn more.

Cotton growers, consultants, crop advisors, and allied industry personnel will find valuable resources freely available at “Focus on Cotton” on Grow: Plant Health Exchange, an outreach service of APS. Dozens of podcast episodes and hundreds of webcasts are available, according to Steve Brown, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Cotton Agronomics at Auburn University and host of the podcast “Cotton Specialists Corner.” Click
here to learn more.

Sam Markell, a professor at North Dakota State University, recommends
Diseases of Field Crops as a single, complete resource for diagnosing and managing diseases of 22 field crops. This book will be useful both to individuals just learning about field crops and those already working in the industry. Click
here to learn more.
Laboratory Manuals and Software

The worldwide importance of
Laboratory Guide for Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria is demonstrated by the more than 3,500 citations of the book by researchers, according to Jeff Jones, Distinguished Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and lead editor of the guide. Jones recommends the book to students in his plant pathology bacteria course, especially those interested in identifying unknown bacteria. Click
here to learn more.
Emerging Plant Diseases

Managing global food production and improving food security require a coordinated worldwide effort. Li-Jun Ma, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, recommends
Emerging Plant Diseases and Global Food Security as a comprehensive resource for researchers, policy makers, regulatory officials, and others doing this important work. Click
here to learn more.
Plant Pathology Education and Online Teaching Resources
Essential Plant Pathology was developed specifically for undergraduate students new to this area of study, according to Darin Eastburn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois. Using this book, students will better understand the impact of plant diseases on the food and fiber supply and efforts to minimize the losses they cause. Click
here to learn more.

Brantlee Spakes Richter, Editor-in-Chief of the APS Education Center, describes the value of the materials made available to both educators and students, such as lesson plans and case studies. In her words, the impact of the Ed Center is “global in reach.” Click
here to learn more.

Darin Eastburn, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, recommends the APS Education Center as a resource for instructors to develop learning objectives about topics in plant pathology. Freely available materials include plant disease lessons and lab activities, which instructors can adapt to meet their objectives and the needs of their students. Click
here to learn more.