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Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Bananas: Volume 3, Diseases and Pests

Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Bananas: Volume 3, Diseases and Pests

Edited by André Drenth and Gert Kema

This book explores existing methods for pest/disease diagnosis and identification, current management strategies used to control and/or prevent outbreaks, as well as the development of disease-resistant cultivars and integrated pest and disease management programs.

Cucumber Mosaic Virus

Cucumber Mosaic Virus

Edited by Peter Palukaitis and Fernando García-Arenal

CMV has the broadest host range of any virus, and among the 1,000-plus host plants it affects are economically important food crops such as tomato, pepper, and lettuce.

Grapevine Viruses, Molecular Biology, Diagnostics and Management

Grapevine Viruses, Molecular Biology, Diagnostics and Management

Edited by B. Meng, G. P. Martelli, D. A. Golino, and M. Fuchs

The book is comprehensive and contains all aspects of grapevine virology and most up to date information.

Vector-Mediated Transmission of Plant Pathogens

Vector-Mediated Transmission of Plant Pathogens

Edited by Judith K. Brown

Unravel the complexities behind pathogen-vector interactions at the mechanistic, biochemical, cellular-tissue-organ, and functional genomics levels.

Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits

Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits

Edited by Ahmed Hadidi, Marina Barba, Thierry Candresse, and Wilhelm Jelkmann

New reference presents state-of-the-art biological, molecular, and immunological advances surrounding the causes and strategies for diagnosing and controlling virus diseases of stone fruits.

Recent Advances in Plant Virology

Recent Advances in Plant Virology

Edited by Carole Caranta, Miguel A. Aranda, Mark Tepfer and J. J. Lopez-Moya

This has provided the impetus for the extensive research into the molecular and cellular biology of these pathogens and into their interaction with their plant hosts and their vectors.

<em>Citrus tristeza virus</em> Complex and Tristeza Diseases

Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases

Edited by Alexander V. Karasev and Mark E. Hilf

A comprehensive title on controlling and managing citrus tristeza virus (CTV), which causes complex disease syndromes in citrus.

The Aphid: A Virus Vector DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

The Aphid: A Virus Vector DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

Edited by Prof. Dr. Urs Wyss, Dr. Gunnar Mölck, and Dr. Gert Petersen

In a combination of fascinating macro sequences and 3D animations, this educational film impressively illustrates the life cycle of aphids, their behavior on winter and summer hosts, and their feeding habits.

Tobacco Mosaic Virus: One Hundred Years of Contributions to Virology

Tobacco Mosaic Virus: One Hundred Years of Contributions to Virology

Edited by Karen-Beth G. Scholthof, John G. Shaw, and Milton Zaitlin

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of virology, it is an anthology of this past century's classic papers written about tobacco mosaic virus and its impact in the field of virology and related studies.

Plant Virus Disease Control

Plant Virus Disease Control

Edited by A. Hadidi, R. K. Khetarpal, and H. Koganezawa

A complete source of valuable information on important plant virus diseases. It will serve as a practical resource, guiding its readers toward the development and application of novel technologies for plant virus disease control.