By Jing Luo and Ning Zhang This is the first comprehensive monograph for the order Magnaporthales, which includes the most economically and ecologically important cereal and grass pathogens. |
 Edited by Jean Beagle Ristaino and Angela Records This book synthesizes developments in emerging plant disease biology and discusses innovative technologies and knowledge about the ecology, evolution, and management of emerging infectious diseases. |
 By Charles Mann In this book, the author identifies two deeply divided groups: the Wizards and the Prophets. |
 Thousands of peer reviewed online images for teaching and diagnostics. |
 Edited by Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer, Roger G. Breeze, Paul S. Keim and Stephen A. Morse Fully revised and updated and serves as a complete reference of the discipline. It describes the advances, as well as the challenges and opportunities ahead, and will be integral in applying science to help solve future biocrimes. |
 Edited by Xuetong Fan, Brendan A. Niemira, Christopher J. Doona, Florence E. Feeherry, and Robert B. Gravani Covers all aspects of produce safety including pathogen ecology, agro-management, pre-harvest and post-harvest interventions, and adverse economic impacts of outbreaks. |