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Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics
Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics

“This textbook is a gem. Besides providing an in-depth introduction to the fungi, the book is full of incredible photographs taken by Meike. Available in Spanish and English, this resource is worth every penny!”
—Mary Palm, APS Council Immediate Past President

Dr. Piepenbring received the 2019 W.H. Weston Award for Excellence in Teaching from MSA!


Item No. 44594
APS Member Price (sign in or join APS to save): $ 178.20
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Also available in Spanish!

A Mycology Book Packed with Information and Stunning Visual Coverage of Tropical Fungi

Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics is a key reference that provides critical information on all major groups of fungi found throughout the world’s tropical regions. It provides solid theoretical knowledge of tropical mycology presented in a logical, easy-to-use format for academics, professionals, and enthusiasts.  

Contrary to what the title suggests, Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics is not just for those studying mycology in the tropics. This comprehensive book applies to a wide range of disciplines, including phytopathology, medicine, naturalism, ecology, botany, zoology, chemistry, biotechnology, and food engineering.

Mycologists and readers interested in related plant science disciplines will find basic knowledge on fungal diversity, enabling them to recognize fungal groups in the field, analyze cellular structures, and understand the ecological importance of fungi.

Those in the food engineering, biotechnology, and medical science disciplines can learn about edible and poisonous mushrooms, as well as medicinal and clinically important fungi used for antibiotics and other active compounds.

Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics thoroughly covers Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, lichens, further groups of Fungi, Straminipila (Heterokonta), and slime molds. It offers details on their etymology, systematics, geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, life cycle, biochemical aspects, and importance for humans (positive and negative). In addition to these systematically organized chapters, special topics (e.g., fungi in symbiosis with social insects, mycorrhizae, ethnomycology, fungi pathogenic to humans) are presented in helpful call-out boxes.

This book’s numerous color photographs offer stunning visual coverage of tropical fungi, their interactions with insects and other animals, and plant disease symptoms caused by fungi, helping readers to not only identify fungal groups, specific fungi, and fungus-like organisms but also interpret their interactions.

Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics presents diagrams of significant fungal species’ life cycles—some presented for the first time in a didactically suitable format, helping readers understand the dynamic—and sometimes highly complex—development of fungi over time. 

Features include:

  • English-language and Spanish-language editions
  • Chapters organized according to the systematic classification of fungi
  • Boxes for topics of special interest
  • Up-to-date systematic concepts and taxonomic names
  • Images, drawings, and diagrams throughout to enhance the text
  • Tables concerning phytopathologically important fungi
  • Didactically elaborate life cycles of important species
  • Approximately 1,000 fungi and fungus-like organisms featured
  • Comprehensive reference sections for further reading
  • A detailed glossary
  • A comprehensive index
    • This globally appealing book is useful for students, teachers, and researchers of mycology, botany, and zoology; as well as those in related disciplines, like phytopathologists, physicians, naturalists, ecologists, chemists, and food technologists.

      The book’s author, Dr. Meike Piepenbring, is an internationally recognized expert in tropical mycology. She is currently a professor of mycology at the University of Frankfurt and has been teaching the subject since 1997. She has written or contributed to more than 100 publications in international journals and has authored or helped author several other books.

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Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics

Chapter 1: Introduction to Mycology

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Chapter 2: Introduction to the Fungi and Fungus-Like Organisms

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    Fungal Diseases of Cultivated Plants

Chapter 3: Kingdom Fungi, the True Fungi

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Chapter 4: Basidiomycota

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Introduction to the Basidiomycota, the Club Fungi
Agaricomycotina, Fungi with Basidia in Hymenia

Introduction to the Agaricomycotina
Agaricales, Mushrooms, Toadstools, and Other Macrofungi

    Fungi in Symbiosis with Social Insects
    The Rhizomorphs of Marasmius spp.
    Species of Agaricales Pathogenic on Plants Cultivated in the Tropics

Russulales: Russulas, Milk Caps, and Other Fungi


Polyporales, the Bracket Polypores

     Wood Decay

Additional Orders of Basidiomycota with Holobasidia Located in Hymenia

    The Mycorrhizae of Orchids

Gasteroid Fungi
Auriculariales, the Jelly Ear Fungi

    Mycoheterotrophic Plants

Dacrymycetales, Jelly Fungi with Tuning-Fork Basidia
Tremellales, the Trembling Fungi

Ustilaginomycotina, the Smut Relationship

Introduction to the Ustilaginomycotina

     Fungal Galls

Ustilaginales, the Largest Group of True Smut Fungi
Tilletiales, the Bunts
Urocystidales, Smut Fungi with Teliospores in Balls
Doassansiales, Parasites of Aquatic Plants
Entylomatales, Causal Agents of Leaf Spots
Exobasidiales, Fungi Parasitic on Plants Without Teliospores
Malasseziales, Yeasts on Human Beings and Other Animals

Pucciniomycotina, Rusts and Related Fungi

Introduction to the Pucciniomycotina
Pucciniales, the Rust Fungi

    Parasitic Fungi on Rusts: The Hyperparasites

Septobasidiales, Fungi “Farming” Scale Insects
Some Small Groups Related to Pucciniales
Microbotryales, Ustilaginoid Parasites of Plants
Sporidiobolales, the Mirror Yeasts

Entorrhizales, Subterranean Ustilaginoid Fungi
Wallemiales, Basidiomycetous Molds

Chapter 5: Ascomycota

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Introduction to the Ascomycota, the Sac Fungi
The Asexual Stages of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota

Introduction to Asexual Stages of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota
“Hyphomycetes”, Asexual Fungi with Exposed Conidia
“Coelomycetes”, Asexual Fungi with Enclosed Conidia

    How Can Lesions on Leaves Caused by Fungi be Distinguished from Those Caused by Algae, Insects, or Other Agents?


Introduction to the Pezizomycotina
Pezizales, Cup Fungi with Operculate Asci

    Coprophilous Fungi

Orbiliales, Small Cup Fungi with Minute Ascospores
Helotiales, Cup Fungi with Inoperculate Asci>/h4>

    Mycorrhizae of Ericaceae

Cyttariales, Parasitic Fungi on Nothofagus spp
Rhytismatales, Causal Agents of Tar Spot Diseases
Erysiphales, Causal Agents of Powdery Mildews
Eurotiomycetes or “Plectomycetes”, Ascomycota with Globose Ascomata
Eurotiales, the Order of Aspergillus and Penicillium
Onygenales, Keratinophilic Fungi

    Fungi as Causal Agents of Diseases of Human Beings

Additional Groups of Eurotiomycetes
Sordariomycetes, Fungi with Perithecia or “Pyrenomycetes”
Sordariales, Microfungi with Perithecia

    Endophytic Fungi
    Chains of Trophic Relations: Fungi Parasitic on Insects Parasitic on Plants

Xylariales, Dead Man’s Fingers and Related Fungi
Meliolales, Causal Agents of Black Mildew
Phyllachorales, Causal Agents of Tropical Tar Spot Diseases
Diaporthales, Glomerellales, and Magnaporthaceae—Additional Groups of Sordariomycetes
Dothideomycetes, Ascomycetes with Bitunicate Asci
Capnodiales, the Sooty Mold Fungi
Mycosphaerellaceae (Capnodiales)
Asterinaceae, Micropeltidaceae, and Microthyriales, Fungi with Thyriothecia
Additional Groups of Dothideomycetes


Introduction to the Saccharomycotina
Saccharomycetales, the True Yeasts


Introduction to the Taphrinomycotina
Taphrinales, Leaf Curl and Other Plant Parasitic Fungi
Schizosaccharomycetales, the Fission Yeasts
Pneumocystidales, Fungal Agents of Pneumonia

Chapter 6: Lichens, Fungi Living with Photobionts

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Introduction to the Lichens

Chapter 7: Other Groups of True Fungi (Fungi)

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Introduction to Other Groups of Fungi

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizae

“Zygomycota”, the Yoke Fungi

Introduction to the “Zygomycota”
“Trichomycetes”, Gut Fungi of Arthropods

Chytridiomycota, the Chytrids

    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the Causal Agent of Frog Deaths

Additional Groups of True Fungi (Fungi)

Chapter 8. Straminipila (Heterokonta)—Fungus-Like Organisms

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Introduction to the Straminipila

Introduction to the Oomycota
Saprolegniales, the Water Molds
Albuginales, Causal Agents of White Rust
Peronosporales, Causal Agents of Downy Mildew

Hyphochytriomycota, the Hyphochytrids
Labyrinthulea, the Slime Nets

Chapter 9: Slime Molds—Fungus-Like Organisms

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Introduction to the Slime Molds
Myxogastria and Other Fungus-Like Organisms in Amoebozoa

Protostelid Amoebae (“Protostelia”)
Myxogastria (mycol. Myxomycetes), the True Slime Molds
Dictyostelia, the Social Amoebae or Cellular Slime Molds

Acrasiales, Cellular Slime Molds in the Heterolobosea
Plasmodiophorales, Obligate Parasites Classified in Phytomyxea

Source and Credit Information

Introduction to Mycology in the Tropics is “much, much more” than a textbook. “Among other things, it’s an excellent introduction to mycology itself.”

“This textbook is a gem. Besides providing an in-depth introduction to the fungi, the book is full of incredible photographs taken by Meike. Available in Spanish and English, this resource is worth every penny!”
—Mary Palm, APS Council Immediate Past President

"Exceptionally well written, organized and presented...highly recommended as a curriculum textbook, and should be a part of every professional and academic library Mycology reference collection and supplemental studies reading list."
—Reviewer's Bookwatch

"This work will be useful for students, researchers, and teachers in vaiour disciplines, phytopathologists, physicians, naturalists, ecologists, chemists, and food technologists."
—Fungal Diversity

"This first homogeneous textbook devoted to teaching mycology in the tropics fulfills a long-existing demand in tropical countries. One of the most important accomplishments of the book is to motivate the reader for appreciating fungi as admirably highly complex and beautiful organisms. Since it covers most fungal groups and interactions also occurring in temperate regions, it is also an excellent textbook for mycology outside the tropics."
—Nova Hedwigia

Publish Date: 2015
Format: 8.5” × 11” hardcover
ISBN: Print: 978-0-89054-459-4
Online: 978-0-89054-613-0
Pages: 366
Images: 211 images
Publication Weight: 4 lbs

By Meike Piepenbring

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