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Biology, Detection, and Mgmt of Plt Path in Irrigation Water
Biology, Detection, and Mgmt of Plt Path in Irrigation Water

"This book is well laid out and attractive with colorful titles and pictures. It will help the users understand both the theory and methods. It should be available in research laboratories and university libraries, interested in Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water."
—Fungal Diversity

In one place, this comprehensive 436 page book compiles biological information on the many pathogens found in irrigation water, as well as practical information needed to detect these pathogens, manage them effectively, and mitigate risk. The combination of scientific and applied information in Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water makes it ideal for both scientists and practitioners working on and in farms, greenhouses, nurseries, and other crop-based systems using irrigation.


Item No. 44266

The First Comprehensive Book on Plant Pathogens and Their Management in Irrigation Systems

Plant pathogens in irrigation water pose a major threat to crops, and the cost of managing them is high. The latest comprehensive knowledge on these pathogens—as well as how to detect and manage them—is crucial for farms, nurseries, greenhouses, and other crop-based systems that use irrigation.

Enter Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water, the first title of its kind. In one place, this comprehensive 420+ page book compiles biological information on the many pathogens found in irrigation water, as well as practical information needed to detect and manage these pathogens.  

The combination of scientific and applied information in Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water makes it ideal for both scientists and practitioners.

When applied, the information in this book can have a direct and positive impact on some of the biggest challenges facing global agriculture in the 21st century, such as water use efficiency, reduction of our environmental footprint, climate change, and food security through the optimal management of pathogens and water resources in irrigation systems.

The contributing authors of this book are world authorities on plant pathogens in irrigation water. They provide insights on gaps in our current understanding of the aquatic biology of plant pathogens, their detection, and their management.

The content of Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens is well developed and organized. And each chapter ends with a concluding remarks section highlighting the trajectory of future research. Sections include:

  • Part I addresses the links between crop diseases and irrigation water. It describes water sources, recycling, and distribution systems and assesses their risk in exposing crops to waterborne plant pathogens. It also discusses specific plant pathogens found in these systems.
  • Part II examines the diversity and biology of plant pathogens in water.
  • Part III covers the latest technologies and methods for detecting and quantifying plant pathogens in irrigation water.
  • Parts IV and V present an array of strategies and tactics for risk-avoidance and mitigation. These can be implemented at any point in business development, from land purchase to production system design and in-season management—and at different points in the system, from runoff containment basins to pump houses and production beds.
  • Part V addresses pathogen management through good system design and the application of best practices.

Nearly 130 images help users understand diverse irrigation systems, associated pathogens and their detection, and crop health risk mitigation strategies and technologies. A comprehensive table in the appendix gives users rapid access to information on specific plant pathogens that have been found in water, the crops at risk, and specific citations for those records.

Practitioners working with crop production systems will find this title useful, as will scientists and students in the disciplines of plant pathology, agronomy, horticulture, mycology, bacteriology, virology, and nematology. Groups who should have this reference include:

  • Greenhouse, nursery, and field growers
  • University and industry researchers
  • Professors and educators
  • State and county extension agents
  • Independent crop consultants
  • Agricultural science librarians
  • Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs
  • Staff and field representatives at irrigation companies
  • Conservation biologists
  • Policymakers

Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Part I: Linkages Between Crop Disease and Irrigation Water

Chapter 1: Sources and Distribution Systems of Irrigation Water and Their Potential Risks for Crop Health

Gary W. Moorman, Amanda J. Gevens, Leah L. Granke, Mary K. Hausbeck, Katherine Hendricks, Pamela D. Roberts, and Timothy R. Pettitt

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Chapter 2: Irrigation Water and the Health of Nursery Crops

Timothy R. Pettitt

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Chapter 3: Irrigation Water and the Health of Greenhouse Crops

Gary W. Moorman

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Chapter 4: Irrigation Water and the Health of Vegetable Crops: Case Studies of Plant-Pathogenic Oomycetes in Major U.S. Vegetable Production Areas

Amanda J. Gevens, Leah L. Granke, Mary K. Hausbeck, Katherine Hendricks, and Pamela D. Roberts

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Chapter 5: Irrigation Water and the Health of Deciduous Fruit and Nut Crops

Greg T. Browne, Robert H. Beede, and Leigh S. Schmidt

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Part II: Diversity and Biology of Plant Pathogens in Water

Chapter 6: Oomycete Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

 Kelly L. Ivors and Gary W. Moorman

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Chapter 7: Ralstonia solanacearum: A Case Study of a Bacterial Pathogen in Irrigation Water

Jason C. Hong, Pingsheng Ji, Timur M. Momol, Steve Olson, Praksash Pradhanang, and Jeffrey Jones

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Chapter 8: Fungal Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Robert L. Wick

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Chapter 9: Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Irrigation Water

James A. LaMondia

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Chapter 10: Plant Viruses in Irrigation Water

Carmen Büttner and Renate Koenig

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Chapter 11: Component Analyses of Irrigation Water in Plant Disease Epidemiology

Chuanxue Hong

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Part III: Detection Technology and Economic Threshold for Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Chapter 12: Baiting Assays for Detection of Phytophthora Species in Irrigation Water

Sabine Werres, Sita R. Ghimire, and Timothy R. Pettitt

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Chapter 13: Filtration and Centrifugation for Detection of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Carmen Büttner, Martina Bandte, and Timothy R. Pettitt

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Chapter 14: Immunological Methods for Detection of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Martina Bandte and Timothy R. Pettitt

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Chapter 15: Molecular Methods for Detection of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Susanne von Bargen

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Chapter 16: Economic Threshold of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

Chuanxue Hong

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Part IV: Pathogen Management Through Water Treatment

Chapter 17: Pasteurization for Irrigation Water Treatment

Wei Hao, Boris A. Vinatzer, and Chuanxue Hong

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Chapter 18: Ultraviolet Light and Photocatalytic Processes for Irrigation Water Treatment

Steven E. Newman

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Chapter 19: Filtration and Constructed Wetlands for Irrigation Water Treatment

Sabine Werres and Walter Wohanka

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Chapter 20: Chlorine for Irrigation Water Treatment

Paul R. Fisher, Jinsheng Huang, Rosa E. Raudales and Dustin P. Meador

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Chapter 21: Chlorine Dioxide for Irrigation Water Treatment

Warren E. Copes, Benoit Barbeau, and Gary A. Chastagner

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Chapter 22: Copper and Silver Ionization for Irrigation Water Treatment

Walter Wohanka

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Chapter 23: Surfactants and Biosurfactants for Irrigation Water Treatment

Malin Hultberg and Beatrix Alsanius

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Chapter 24: Emerging Technologies for Irrigation Water Treatment

Wade H. Elmer, James Buck, Monday O. Ahonsi, and Warren E. Copes

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Chapter 25: Selecting a Treatment Method for Irrigation Water

Paul R. Fisher

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Part V: Pathogen Management Through Effective System Design and Best Practices

Chapter 26: Water Resources and Designs of Recycling Irrigation Systems for Healthy Crops

David S. Ross

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Chapter 27: Water Quality Dynamics and Influences on Pathogen Mitigation in Irrigation Reservoirs

Ping Kong and John D. Lea-Cox

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Chapter 28: Understanding and Utilizing Naturally Occurring Microbes Against Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Reservoirs

Beatrix Alsanius, Anna Karin Rosberg, Malin Hultberg, Sammar Khalil, and Victoria Jung

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Chapter 29: An Integrated Approach to Minimizing Plant Pathogens in Runoff Water from Containerized Production Systems

Andrew G. Ristvey and Gary W. Moorman

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Chapter 30: Water Management to Minimize Pathogen Movement in Containerized Production Systems

John D. Lea-Cox and David S. Ross

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Appendix: Partial List of Plant Pathogens Found in Different Water Resources and Crop Production Systems

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"This book is well laid out and attractive with colorful titles and pictures. It will help the users understand both the theory and methods. It should be available in research laboratories and university libraries, interested in Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water."
—Fungal Diversity

"... is an ideal textbook and highly recommended for Agricultural Department curriculums and Academic Library reference collections. The impressive roster of contributors cover the links between crop diseases and irrigation water; the diversity and biology of plant pathogens in water; strategies and tactics for risk-avoidance and mitigation, system design, 'best practices', and more."
—The Midwest Book Review

"... written with a clarity which makes it suitable for a wider audience, including growers and those planning and building nurseries." "...this accessible, well illustrated book will be of use to anyone with more than a passing interest in applying water to healthy crops."

Publish Date: 2014
Format: 8.5" × 11" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-426-6
Pages: 436
Images: 128 images; 37 line drawings
Publication Weight: 5 lbs

Edited by Chuanxue Hong, Gary W. Moorman, Walter Wohanka, and Carmen Büttner

List Price:303.00
Biology, Detection, and Management of Plant Pathogens in Irrigation Water

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