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Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet and Related Species
Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet and Related Species

"For the first time within a single publication, this book offers a historical overview and covers the biology and comprehensive management of the disease. Considering recent advancements on CLS research, this book shall serve as a comprehensive source of information on CLS to researchers, sugarbeet growers, and the industry."
—Journal of Sugar Industry

Item No. 43870
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Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) of sugar beet is the most important foliar disease of sugar beet and occurs wherever the crop is grown. The disease has been documented for over a century and can result in significant yield reduction and sugar loss. Research on CLS has been ongoing over the same time period to promote understanding and enhance management of the disease. The research done has been reported in a wide range of journals, requiring extensive searches to locate information on the disease.

For the first time within a single publication, Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet and Related Species offers a historical overview and covers the biology (taxonomy, ecology, epidemiology and toxins) and comprehensive (traditional and novel) management of the disease. Considering recent advancements on CLS research, this book shall serve as a comprehensive source of information on CLS to researchers, sugar beet growers, and the industry.

Features and Benefits:

  • Comprehensive information on biology of Cercospora beticola provides needed basic information to mycology and plant pathology researchers and students.
  • Extensive information on breeding and resistance provides assistance to breeders.
  • A range of management techniques to help growers, extension personnel to understand and make good decision when managing CLS.

From the Preface:

The volume begins with introductory information on the history of sugar beet as source of sugar, emergence of CLS as a problem, ecology, and the epidemiology of the disease. Under the section “Biology of Cercospora beticola,” the first subsection deals with taxonomic information including speciation and host range of C. beticola, mating types, and vegetative compatibility. The subsection on ecology and epidemiology presents information on survival, spore trapping, dispersal, and primary infection. Other subjects presented encompass the relationship of C. beticola with host plants and fungal antagonists and CLS of vegetable crops in the Chenopodiaceae. The final subsection offers information of Cercospora toxins, with references to specific aspects of cercosporin and beticolin. The final section deals with management of Cercospora leaf spot of sugar beet.   

Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet and Related Species

Part I: Introduction to Cercospora

A Brief History of Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet

Robert T. Lartey, John J. Weiland, and Lee Panella

Ecology and Epidemiology of Cercospora beticola

Gary D. Franc

Part II: Biology of Cercospora beticola


Cercospora Speciation and Host Range

Johannes Z. Groenewald, Marizeth Groenewald, Uwe Braun, and Pedro W. Crous

Mating Type Genes in Cercospora beticola and Allied Species

Marizeth Groenewald, Johannes Z. Groenewald, and Pedro W. Crous

Vegetative Compatibility Groups in Cercospora beticola

Maddalena Moretti, Marco Saracchi, and Gandolfina Farina

Ecology and Epidemiology

Survival, Spore Trapping, Dispersal, and Primary Infection Site for Cercospora beticola in Sugar Beet

M. F. R. Khan and J. Khan

Relations of Cercospora beticola with Host Plants and Fungal Antagonists

Robert T. Lartey, Soumitra Ghoshroy, TheCan Caesar-TonThat, Andrew W. Lenssen, and Robert G. Evans

Cercospora Leaf Spot of Vegetable Crops in the Chenopodiaceae

Steven T. Koike, Lindsey J. du Toit, and George S. Abawi

Toxins of Cercospora

Cercosporin Production in Cercospora and Related Anamorphs of Mycosphaerella

Stephen B. Goodwin and Larry D. Dunkle

The Role of Cercosporin in the Virulence of Cercospora spp. to Plant Hosts

John J. Weiland, Kuang-Ren Chung, and Jeffrey C. Suttle

Beticolins: Chemistry and Biological Activities

Marie-Louise Milat, Thierry Prangé, Sabine Wiedemann-Merdinoglu, and Jean-Pierre Blein

Part III: Management of the Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet

Traditional and Novel Breeding for Host Plant Resistance

Conventional and Novel Approaches in Breeding for Resistance to Cercospora beticola in Sugar Beet

Bernd Holtschulte, Wolfgang Mechelke, and Dietmar J. Stahl

The History of Public Breeding for Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot in North America

Lee Panella and J. Mitchell McGrath

Strategies for the Development of Resistance to Cercosporin, a Toxin Produced by Cercospora Species

Margaret E. Daub, Sonia Herrero, and Tanya V. Taylor

Innovative Strategies for Improving Leaf Spot Disease Resistance in Sugar Beet

Robert G. Upchurch and L. David Kuykendall

Fungicide Resistance

Genetics of Fungicide Resistance in Cercospora and Mycosphaerella

L. E. Hanson

Fungicide Resistance of Cercospora beticola in Europe

George S. Karaoglanidis and Philippos M. Ioannidis

Sensitivity of Cercospora beticola to Foliar Fungicides in the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota

Gary A. Secor, Viviana V. Rivera-Varas, Neil C. Gudmestad, and John J. Weiland

Disease Management

Quaternary Concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Developed for the Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugar Beet

Peter F. J. Wolf and J.-A.Verreet

Cercospora Leaf Spot Prediction Models in North America

Carol E. Windels

Uniform Recommendation for Timing Fungicide Applications to Control Cercospora beticola on Sugar Beet in the Red River Valley

M. F. R. Khan and J. Khan

Control of Cercospora Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew of Sugar Beet with Fungicides and Tolerant Cultivars

Philippos M. Ioannidis and George S. Karaoglanidis

Integrated Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot

B. J. Jacobsen

"For the first time within a single publication, this book offers a historical overview and covers the biology and comprehensive management of the disease. Considering recent advancements on CLS research, this book shall serve as a comprehensive source of information on CLS to researchers, sugarbeet growers, and the industry."
—Journal of Sugar Industry
Publish Date: 2010
Format: 7” x 10” hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-387-0
Pages: 304
Images: 14 color images; 76 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Robert T. Lartey, John. J. Weiland, Lee Panella, Pedro W. Crous, and Carol E. Windels

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