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Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests
Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests

"The color images are high resolution and very helpful and informative, and an added bonus is the extensive glossary at the end…Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests will be most useful to plant pathologists and those involved in commercial production of this specialty crop, but it may be enjoyed by the great many hobbyists, including home brewers, who are quickly getting into cultivating this interesting and useful plant."

Item No. 43764
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Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests is a comprehensive and authoritative account of diseases and pests of hops as well as numerous other disorders and injuries that impact this valuable specialty crop. This compendium is a practical reference for anyone interested in healthy, high-quality hops, which in addition to brewing, is showing promise for use in sugar processing and as a preservative in ethanol production and for its potential use as an antimicrobial additive in animal feed.

More than 140 color images are presented with expert scientifically peer-reviewed descriptions of the identifying characteristics of disease and pest symptoms and their causal agents. This book also provides an overview of the taxonomy and botanical traits of the genus Humulus. It provides insight into cone uses and chemistry, methods for hop production, and an extensive list of hop cultivars and their characteristics. The description of each disease or pest includes a general account of its importance and world distribution, symptoms, causal organism or agent, disease cycle and epidemiology, management, and selected references. The references document the descriptions and provide resources for additional information.

Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests assists in the diagnosis of hop diseases and pests in the field, laboratory, or diagnostic clinic and provides recommendations for management of hop diseases and pests. This compendium will be useful to plant pathologists, entomologists, nematologists, crop production specialists, growers, diagnostic clinicians, students, regulatory agents, crop consultants, agribusiness representatives, educators, researchers, and others interested in the recognition or management of hop diseases and pests throughout the world.

Benefits of Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests:

  • Visually identify your problems that affect hop plants or cones with 147 color photographs of diseases, pests, and other disorders.
  • Coverage on most diseases and pests affecting hops throughout the world which is helpful when analyzing a new disease introduced to a specific region
  • A useful broad reference for home brewers particularly those interested growing their own hops. This compendium contains sections on hop taxonomy, chemistry, and production with an extensive listing of hop cultivars and their characters.
  • Identify growth abnormalities that are not caused by plant pathogens or insects with expert descriptions and color photographs of symptoms of nutrient disorders and plant injury.

Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests


The Genus Humulus
Cone Uses and Chemistry
Hop Production
Hop Cultivars and Breeding

PART I: Infectious/Biotic Diseases

Diseases Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes

Alternaria Cone Disorder
Armillaria Root Rot
Ascochyta Leaf Spot
Black Root Rot
Cone Tip Blight
Downy Mildew
Fusarium Canker
Gray Mold
Powdery Mildew
Red Crown Rot
Septoria Leaf Spot
Sclerotinia Wilt
Sooty Mold
Verticillium Wilt
Fungal Diseases and Pathogens of Minor Importance

Diseases Caused by Viruses and Viroids

Apple fruit crinkle viroid
Apple mosaic
Arabis mosaic
American hop latent virus, Hop latent virus, and Hop mosaic virus
Humulus japonicus latent virus (Humulus japonicus virus)
Hop latent viroid

Hop stunt
Viruses of Minor Importance

Diseases Caused by Nematodes

Cyst Nematode
Other Nematodes Associated With Hop

Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Phytoplasma

Crinkle Disease
Crown Gall
Bacterial Diseases of Minor Importance
Hop Shoot Proliferation

PART II: Arthropod Pests

California Prionus Beetle
Damson-Hop Aphid
Garden Symphylan
Hop Flea-Beetle
Hop Looper and Other Lepidoptera
Root Weevils
Rosy Rustic Moth
Two-Spotted Spider Mite

Insect Pests of Minor Importance

White Grubs
Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle

PART III: Post-Harvest Disorders and Diseases

Bale Self-Heating
Cone Early Maturity

Non-Infectious Abiotic Disorders

Nutrient Imbalances
Injuries Caused by Environmental Factors
Chemical Injury
Heptachlor Wilt


“…provides useful information not only for everyone interested in growing hop, but for those interested in plant pathology, entomology, horticulture science and teaching, as well.”
—Czech Mycology

“Editors present a panoply of information to aid diagnosis of hop diseases and pests both in the field and lab, as well as expert advice on pest management. This volume conforms to the graphically pleasing compendia format and serves as a useful reference source for all individuals concerned with hop crop health.”
—IPMnet News

"This compendium is a practical reference for academic teachers, commercial growers, and others interested in management of hop diseases and pests. An excellent description of pests, pathogens and nutrient deficiencies in hop plants are well illustrated with excellent photos. A list of 251 references, voluminous “Glossary” of useful technical and scientific terms, 153 excellent photos and detailed “Index” all facilitate use of this excellent book on hop diseases and pests which I strongly recommend to all agricultural libraries and to attention of plant protection specialists.”
—Journal of Plant Protection Research

“…even amateur mycologists would find the text fairly easy to understand. The color images are high resolution and very helpful and informative, and an added bonus is the extensive glossary at the end…Compendium of Hop Diseases and Pests will be most useful to plant pathologists and those involved in commercial production of this specialty crop, but it may be enjoyed by the great many hobbyists, including home brewers, who are quickly getting into cultivating this interesting and useful plant.”  

"...most practical benefit to hop growers, extensionists and pathologists working in the laboratory or classroom...carefully written and is accompanied by many good quality photographs of symptoms, which mean that even the less experienced will still find this compendium of use."
—R. H. Reeder

Publish Date: 2009
Format: 8.5” x 11” softcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-376-4
Pages: 112
Images: 147 color images; 6 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Walter Mahaffee, Sarah Pethybridge, and David H. Gent

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