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Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium
Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium

A collection of papers written by world authorities in Fusarium, a significant fungal genus and one of the most economically important groups of fungi.

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Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium is a book on this significant fungal genus, one of the most economically important groups of fungi causing diseases on a wide variety of plants. This book is a collection of papers written by world authorities in Fusarium research as presented at a memorial symposium held in commemoration of the life of Professor Paul E. Nelson. Throughout his noteworthy career, many participants collaborated with Professor Nelson on a wide range of issues.

This volume covers widespread research in many Fusarium subject areas for those interested in Fusarium at an introductory level or those who have studied Fusarium extensively. There has been no similar book on this subject published in many years, and since then many aspects of the biology of this fungus have changed considerably. For users of the “green book”, this book is the perfect complement.

During a period when there is a lot of confusion about the taxonomy, biology, and genetics of the fungus, the publication of Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium is a useful resource for mycologists, plant scientists, ecologists, microbiologists, mycotoxicologists, fungal geneticists, educators, students, and others interested in Fusarium.

Coverage includes:

  • Comprehensive information on many important diseases caused by Fusarium
  • The taxonomy of the genus Fusarium
  • The genetics, ecology, chemistry, and production of the various mycotoxins Fusarium produces
  • The biology of Fusarium and how it relates to agricultural production in all parts of the world
  • Guide to identification of Gibberella sp. to allow plant scientists to accurately diagnose the disease it causes
  • Literature reviews of several important agricultural diseases

Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium

Section I: Taxonomy

Perithecial species of Fusarium

Gary J. Samuels, Helgard I. Nirenberg and Keith A. Seifert

Fusarium and anamorph generic concepts

Keith A. Seifert

Developments in the taxonomy of Fusarium species based on secondary metabolites

Ulf Thrane

Section II: Genetics

Biochemistry and genetics of Fusarium toxins

Anne E. Desjardins and Robert H. Proctor

Evolution of host specificity in Fusarium oxysporum

H. Corby Kistler

Vegetative compatibility group diversity in Fusarium

Keith K. Klein and James C. Correll

The genetics of Nectria haematococca mating population VI with special emphasis on its conditionally dispensible (CD) chromosomes: A source of habitat specific genes

Hans D. VanEtten, David C. Straney, Sarah F. Covert and H. Corby Kistler

Population genetics level problems in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex

John F. Leslie

Section III: Ecology

Biogeography of Fusarium

David Backhouse, Lester W. Burgess and Brett A. Summerell

Autecology of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani in soil

Koki Toyota and Makoto Kimura

Effect of temperature on Fusarium foot rot of wheat

Tim R. Pettitt and David W. Parry

Evolution of Fusarium venenatum A3/5 in continuous flow (chemostat) culture

Anthony P. J. Trinci, Geoffrey D. Robson and Marilyn G. Wiebe

Section IV: Pathology

Molecular assays as aids in the detection, diagnosis and quantification of Fusarium species in plants

Paul Nicholson

Transfer cell formation reveals a biotrophic phase in bulb rot of lilies infected by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lilii

Robert P. Baayen and Marieke G. Förch

Fusarium wilt of banana: A diverse clonal pathogen of a domesticated clonal host

Natalie Y. Moore, Ken G. Pegg, Ivan W. Buddenhagen and Suzy Bentley

Diseases of pines caused by the pitch canker fungus

L. David Dwinell, S. W. Fraedrich and D. Adams

Malformation: A unique and important disease of mango, Mangifera indica L.

Randy C. Ploetz

Fusarium diseases of asparagus

Wade H. Elmer

Fusarium wilt of Phoenix canariensis caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. canariensis

Brett A. Summerell, H. Corby Kistler and Linda V. Gunn

Crown rot of wheat

Lester W. Burgess, David Backhouse, Brett A. Summerell, and Linda J. Swan

Significant diseases in the tropics that are caused by species of Fusarium

Randy C. Ploetz

Section V: Mycotoxicology

Deoxynivalenol: A 25 year perspective on a trichothecene of agricultural importance

J. David Miller, John W. ApSimon, Barbara A. Blackwell Roy Greenhalgh and Alan Taylor

Zearalenone: Mycotoxin or mycoestrogen?

Winston M. Hagler Jr., Neale R. Towers, Chester J. Mirocha Robert M. Eppley, and Wayne L. Bryden

Fumonisins - Occurrence, Toxicology, Metabolism and Risk Assessment

Walter F.O. Marasas, J. David Miller, Ronald T. Riley and Angelo Visconti

Other Significant Fusarium Mycotoxins

Wayne L. Bryden, Antonio Logrieco, Hamed K. Abbas, James K. Porter, Ronald F. Vesonder, John L. Richard and Richard J. Cole

Publish Date: 2001
Format: 6” x 9” hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-268-2
Pages: 408
Images: 94 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Brett A. Summerell, John F. Leslie, David Backhouse, Wayne L. Bryden, and Lester W. Burgess

Fusarium: Paul E. Nelson Memorial Symposium

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