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Plant Virus Disease Control
Plant Virus Disease Control

A practical resource for plant virus disease control.

Item No. 41914

This immense book is a complete source of valuable information on important plant virus diseases. It will serve as a practical resource, guiding its readers toward the development and application of novel technologies for plant virus disease control.

Several chapters summarize current information about plant virus diseases of crops including corn, wheat, barley, oats, rice, sugarcane, bean, fava bean, peanut, potato, tomato, cucumber, citrus, stone fruits, banana, and cassava. Drawing from field experience, the authors help readers understand and meet the challenge involved in achieving successful control strategies.

Plant Virus Disease Control


Economic Importance

Economic Losses Due to Plant Viruses

Strategies for Control


Conventional approaches

Breeding for Resistance to Plant Viruses
Control of Plant Virus Diseases by Cross-protection
Control of Virus Infection in Crops Through Breeding Plants for Vector Resistance

Biochemical and molecular approaches

Biochemistry of Resistance to Plant Viruses
Protein and Replicase-mediated Resistance to Plant Viruses
Antisense RNA and Ribozyme-mediated Resistance to Plant Viruses
Satellite RNA-mediated Resistance to Plant Viruses: Are the Ecological
     Risks Well Assessed?
Alternative Strategies for Engineering Virus Resistance in Plants
Controlling Mosaic Virus Diseases Under Field Conditions by Using Multiple-gene
     Strategies in Transgenic Plants

Special topics related to resistance

Releasing Genetically Engineered Virus Resistant Crops - Risk Assessment
Antiviral Substances of Plant Origin
Resistance to Plant Viruses: an Overview

Control of Vectors

Forecasting Aphid-borne Virus Diseases
Chemical Control of Insect and Nematode Vectors of Plant Viruses
Chemical Control of Fungal Vectors of Plant Viruses

Quarantine and Certification

Exclusion of Plant Viruses
IPGRI's Role in Controlling Virus Diseases in Plant Germplasm
Seed Certification for Viruses
Control of Viruses Affecting Potatoes Through Seed Potato Certification Programs
Virus Certification of Grapevines
Virus Certification of Ornamental Plants - The European Strategy
Virus Certification of Fruit Tree Propagative Material in Western Europe
Virus Certification of Deciduous Fruit Trees in The United States and Canada
Indexing for Viruses in Citrus
Virus Certification of Strawberries
Certification for Plant Viruses: an Overview


Heat Treatment of Perennial Plants to Eliminate Phytoplasmas, Viruses, and Viroids
     While Maintaining Plant Survival
Virus Elimination by Meristem Tip Culture and Tip Micrografting


Advanced Diagnostic Tools as an Aid to Controlling Plant Virus Diseases
Identification and Detection of Recalcitrant Temperate Fruit Crop Viruses Using dsRNAs
     and Diffusion Antisera
Detection and Identification of Plant Viruses and Viroids Using Polymerase Chain
     Reaction (PCR)
Ultra Microscopic Detection of Plant Viruses and Their Gene Products
Detection and Management of Plant Viroids

Present Status of Controlling Economically Important Viruses

Present Status of Controlling Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus
Present Status of Controlling Rice Tungro Virus
Present Status of Controlling Rice Stripe Virus
Epidemiology and Control of Maize Streak Virus
Present Status of Management of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus
Present Status of Controlling Cucumber Mosaic Virus
Present Status of Controlling Bean Common Mosaic Virus
Epidemiology and Control of Faba Bean Necrotic Yellows Virus
Control Measures for the Economically Important Peanut Viruses
Approaches for Controlling Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Epidemiology and Management of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease
Present Status of Controlling Potato Leafroll Virus
Present Status of Controlling Mechanically and Non-persistently Transmitted
     Potato Viruses
Present Status of Controlling Conventional Strains of Plum Pox Virus
Present Status of the New Cherry Subgroup of Plum Pox Virus (PPV-C)
Control Strategies for Citrus Tristeza Virus
Banana Bunchy Top Disease: Current and Future Strategies for Control
The Control of African Cassava Mosaic Virus: Phytosanitation and/or Resistance?

Publish Date: 1998
Format: 8.5" x 11" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-191-3
Pages: 704
Images: 63 black and white images
Publication Weight: 5 lbs

Edited by A. Hadidi, R. K. Khetarpal, and H. Koganezawa

List Price:177.00

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