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Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques, Second Edition
Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques, Second Edition


This book provides a valuable guide to investigating fungal plant diseases and interpreting laboratory findings for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students, extension plant pathologists, consultants, and advisers in agriculture and horticulture and the food supply chain.

Item No. 20551
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Edited by Charles R. Lane, Paul A. Beales, and Kelvin J.D. Hughes

Charles Lane is a senior plant pathologist at FSL Ltd based in York with over 25 years experience in the diagnosis of fungal plant pathogens. Following a Ph.D. investigating a mycoparasite of the cultivated mushroom, he joined the plant pathology laboratory in Harpenden before moving to Yorkshire in 1996. Since then he has predominantly worked on the identification of quarantine fungi such as Colletotrichum, Monilinia, Alternaria, Phytophthora, and Hymenoscyphus. He helped found the UK's largest commercial Plant Clinic providing diagnostic services to growers and consultants both in the UK and overseas. Currently, he is developing and delivering plant health and biosecurity advice, guidance and training to a wide-range of stakeholders and citizen scientists.

Paul Beales is a senior plant pathologist who works for the UK's plant health and seeds inspectorate. Completing his Ph.D. at the University of Hertfordshire on Rhododendron powdery mildew, he took up the role of plant disease diagnostician at the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera Science Ltd.) before moving to the animal and plant health agency where he heads up its plant technical extension team. He is a specialist in both indigenous and non-indigenous plant pathogens, and has been involved with identifying, discovering, researching and publishing new pathogens from around the world. In his current role, he works closely with Defra, consulting on new plant pest and disease threats and raising awareness of plant health to the trade and public through publications, engagement and training activities.

Kelvin Hughes obtained a Ph.D. in Molecular methods for the detection of fungal plant pathogens with the University of Bristol. He has developed international standards for molecular diagnosis of the EC plant pathogens Tilletia indica, Monilinia fructicola, and Colletotrichum acutatum as well as real-time field assays used by the UK Plant Health inspection service for Phytophthora kernoviae and P. ramorum. He also established Fera's ISTA accredited seed health laboratory and has represented the UK on quality assurance panels for the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). Having gained experience with numerous National Plant Protection Organizations including New Zealand MAF and the Kenyan Plant Health Inspection Service (KEPHIS), Dr. Hughes is currently Fera's Principal Plant Health and Seeds Inspector with national responsibility for the export of plants, plant products and seeds.

Covering the key techniques used when working with fungal plant pathogens, this practical manual deals with recognition of disease symptoms, detection and identification of fungi, and methods to characterize, curate, and handle them under quarantine and quality assurance systems. This new edition includes updates with respect to:

  • Greater awareness and concern internationally about plant health and biosecurity
  • Molecular biology—next generation sequencing and in field detection
  • Improved opportunities for surveillance and detection in substrates, such as remote sensing
  • Changes in taxonomy and reference to more current fungal plant pathogens
  • New chapters on tree health, public awareness, outreach, and communications
  • Fungal Plant Pathogens, Second Edition provides a valuable guide to investigating fungal plant diseases and interpreting laboratory findings for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students, extension plant pathologists, consultants, and advisers in agriculture and horticulture and the food supply chain.

Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques, Second Edition

1. Introduction to Fungal Plant Pathogens

2. Examination of Plant Material

3. Detection of Fungal Plant Pathogens from Plants, Soil, Water and Air

4. Detection of Fungal Plant Pathogens in Seeds

5. Collecting and Processing Samples for Isolation of Tree Pathogens

6. Identification of Fungi Based on Morphological Characteristics

7. Cultural Characterization

8. Serological Technologies for Diagnosis

9. Nucleic Acid-based Techniques for Diagnosis

10. DNA Fingerprinting Techniques

11. Maintenance and Storage of Fungal Plant Pathogens

12. Biosecurity Procedures for Working with Fungal Plant Pathogens

13. Quality Assurance and Quality Systems

14. Plant Health Engagement


Publish Date: 2023
Format: 6” x 9” softcover
Pages: 313
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Charles R. Lane, Paul A. Beales, and Kelvin J.D. Hughes

Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques, Second Edition

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