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Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases
Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases

A comprehensive title on controlling and managing Citrus tristeza virus, which causes complex disease syndromes in citrus.

Item No. 43788
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Citrus Tristeza Virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases is a comprehensive title on controlling and managing Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), which causes complex disease syndromes in citrus. This book includes a description of the disease and its history as well as information about diseases caused by the virus and the management of the disease in different countries. This book will be of interest to plant pathologists, plant virologists, horticulturists, and graduate students in plant pathology and related sciences.

Also featured:

  • Research of the virus
  • CTV’s interaction with the host plant
  • Mechanisms of disease induction in different hosts
  • CTV’s interaction with aphid vectors
  • Research of the factors involved in host resistance to the virus

From the preface:

Based on strictly economic criteria, Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is often considered one of the most important plant viruses known to date. This alone makes it a prime candidate for a research program. Given the world­wide distribution of citrus, the high value of citrus crops, and the severe damage inflicted by the virus, it comes as no surprise that CTV has been studied by plant pathologists all over the world. However, in addition to these practical considerations, CTV is the largest and most complex virus among all known plant viruses. If one adds a genetically complex woody perennial citrus host to this interesting mix, it becomes clear that to solve the problem of managing CTV infections in various species of citrus grown in diverse environments all over the world, a comprehensive research ap­proach has to be applied.

Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases


Section I: Disease Description

Chapter 1: The History of Citrus tristeza virus—Revisited

M. Bar-Joseph, O. Batuman, and C. N. Roistacher

Chapter 2: Citrus Tristeza Diseases—A Worldwide Perspective

P. Moreno and S. M. Garnsey

Section II: Molecular Biology of the Pathogen

Chapter 3: Molecular Genetics of Citrus tristeza virus

W. O. Dawson

Chapter 4: Interference or Insurance? More Questions than Answers
     on the Roles of the Multiple Defective RNAs of Citrus tristeza virus

O. Batuman, X. Che, G. Yang, M. Mawassi, and M. Bar-Joseph

Chapter 5: Identification and Characterization of Silencing Suppressors
     Encoded by Citrus tristeza virus

S.-W. Ding

Chapter 6: The Tail That Wags the Virus: Recombination Defines
     Two Gene Modules and Provides for Increased Genetic Diversity 
      in a Narrow-Host-Range Plant Virus

M. E. Hilf

Chapter 7: Citrus tristeza virus and the Taxonomy of Closteroviridae

A. V. Karasev and M. Bar-Joseph

Section III: Aphid Transmission and Epidemiology of Citrus tristeza virus

Chapter 8: Concepts in the Epidemiology of Citrus tristeza virus

T. R. Gottwald

Chapter 9: Transmission and Spread of Citrus tristeza virus in Central California

R. K. Yokomi, M. Polek, and D. J. Gumpf

Chapter 10: Nucleotide Sequence-Based Detection, Analysis,
     and Variation Among California Citrus tristeza virus Isolates

G. Roy, D. E. Ullman, and B. W. Falk

Section IV: Resistance to Citrus tristeza virus in Citrus spp.

Chapter 11: Toward Positional Cloning of the Citrus tristeza virus
     Resistance Gene

T. E. Mirkov, Z.-N. Yang, M. Rai, J. J. Molina, M. L. Roose, and X.-R. Ye

Chapter 12: Pathogen-Derived Resistance to Citrus tristeza virus
     in Transgenic Citrus Plants

L. Peña, C. Fagoaga, C. López, A. Domínguez, R. Ghorbel, A. Hermoso de Mendoza, P. Moreno, L. Navarro, and R. Flores

Section V: Management of Citrus tristeza virus—A Worldwide Experience

Chapter 13: Eradication of Tristeza in the Central Valley of California

M. Polek

Chapter 14: Citrus tristeza virus Regulation in the State of Florida

P. J. Sieburth and M. C. Kesinger

Chapter 15: Managing Citrus tristeza virus Losses Using Cross Protection

J. V. da Graça and S. P. van Vuuren

Author Index
Publish Date: 2010
Format: 6” x 9” softcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-378-8
Pages: 304
Images: 12 color images; 40 black and white images
Publication Weight: 2 lbs

Edited by Alexander V. Karasev and Mark E. Hilf

Citrus tristeza virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases

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