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Apple Scab: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management
Apple Scab: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management

Provides a thorough look at the knowledge of apple scab.

Item No. 42066
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Apple Scab: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management provides a thorough look at the knowledge of apple scab, as well as challenges to research and management. Learn about how fungicides and IPM techniques can be used for disease management.

More than a review of research findings, this 570-page treatise presents insights, identifies conflicts in published studies, discusses fungicides and IPM techniques, and synthesizes concepts in biology, epidemiology, and management of this disease.

This book is an ideal reference on apple scab for plant pathologists, graduate students, instructors, extension specialists, pest management specialists, crop consultants, agrochemical research and field personnel, and apple growers.

From the Preface:
Apple scab is one of our classic plant diseases and of worldwide importance, and for these reasons this book was intended initially to be a monograph on apple scab published as a contribution to the APS PRESS Monograph Series. However, it soon became evident that the text was going to be more than a written account of research findings, so a decision was made to publish the manuscript according to book specifications of APS PRESS. I have tried to organize and present the topics in ways that will facilitate their comprehension, provide insights, identify conflicts in published studies that need clarification and research, and foster ideas for basic research and management strategies and tactics. In short, the book is intended to reveal what is known and what is not known about the disease and its pathogen, with the hope that such knowledge will make clearer what knowledge is needed to better manage the disease.

This book has been written for a wide audience: plant pathologists, graduate students in plant pathology and related fields, teachers of plant pathology, Extension, crop management and pest management specialists, crop consultants, agrochemical company research and field personnel, and apple growers. It is intended to be a readable account of apple scab that will be of interest and use to nonprofessionals, yet contain sufficient information and in-depth discussion to be of use to plant pathologists. The book has also been written for an international audience, and I have tried to include much of the information published in foreign languages.

Apple Scab: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management

Definition and Use of Selected Terms

Part 1: Biology

The Disease
The Pathogen
Venturia Inaequalis Genetics and Inheritance
Inheritance of Resistance to Venturia Inaequalis
Ontogenic Resistance to Scab in Malus
Pathogen Development and Host Tissue Reaction
Physiological Responses to Infection
Pathogen Nutrition and Metabolism and Mechanisms of Attack
Solute Transport in Veins of an Infected Leaf
Host Metabolism and Proposed Defense Mechanisms

Part 2: Epidemiology

Modes of Overwintering
Factors Affecting the Saprophytic (Sexual) Phase of Ventura Inaequalis
Ascospore Productivity and Ascospore Dose
Models to Predict Ascospore Maturity
Seasonal Pattern of Ascospore Maturation and Discharge
Ascospore Discharge
Ascospore Dispersal and Deposition
Environmental Factors Influencing Ascospore Viability and Germination
Environmental Factors Influencing Conidium Production, Viability, Dissemination, and Germination
Environmental and Biological Factors That Influence Foliar Infection During Periods of Continuous Wetness
Environmental and Biological Factors That Influence Foliar Infection During Periods of Discontinuous Wetness
Environmental and Biological Factors that Influence Fruit Infection
Environmental and Biological Factors that Influence the Incubation Period

Part 3: Management

A Brief History of Apple Scab Control: 1880-1990
Fungicide Uses in Apple Scab Control: Traditional Roles
The Development of Resistance to Fungicides
Sanitation Practices: Strategies and Potential in Apple Scab IPM
Cornerstones of Integrated Pest Management: Disease Thresholds
Cornerstones of Integrated Management: Crop Loss Assessment and Disease Assessment
Cornerstones of Integrated Management: Monitoring and Modeling Pathogen Development
Cornerstones of Integrated Management: Monitoring and Modeling Tree Growth and Development and Weather Conditions
Apple Scab Simulation Models
Integrating Practices to Manage Apple Scab
Integrating Scab Management into Apple IPM and Crop Production Programs

Publish Date: 1996
Format: 8.5" x 11" hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-89054-206-4
Pages: 545
Images: 39 color images; 261 black and white images
Publication Weight: 4 lbs

By William E. MacHardy

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