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Grapevine Yellows Diseases and Their Phytoplasma Agents
Grapevine Yellows Diseases and Their Phytoplasma Agents

This book summarizes the latest molecular approaches for GY phytoplasma detection (e.g. real-time PCR, ddPCR, LAMP), both in laboratories and on-site.

Item No. 06470
This work is to compile our current knowledge on GY phytoplasma biology at the genomic, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics level, as well as to summarize the approaches for their detection.Phytoplasma are the most poorly characterized plant pathogenic bacteria from the Mollicutes class. In recent years new biostatistics and bioinformatics approaches have improved our understanding of their biology and interactions with host grapevines and a great improvement has been made toward their molecular detection, both in laboratories and on-site. They have a broad range of plant hosts among the monocots and dicots, and diseases of many important crops are associated with these pathogens. At least ten taxonomically unrelated phytoplasmas, one of them a quarantine pest in Europe, have been associated with grapevine yellows diseases (GY), which have great economic impact on viticulture worldwide.

Grapevine Yellows Diseases and their Phytoplasma Agents

Phytoplasmas – Dangerous and Intriguing Bacteria

Assunta Bertaccini

Worldwide Distribution and Identification of Grapevine Yellows Diseases

Fiona Constable

Interactions Between Grapevines and Grapevine Yellows Phytoplasmas BN and FD

Marina Dermastia

Detection of Phytoplasmas Associated to Grapevine Yellows Diseases in Research and Diagnostics

Nataša Mehle

Publish Date: 2017
Format: 6.5” × 9.5” softcover
Pages: 99
Publication Weight: 1 lbs

By M. Dermastia, A. Bertaccini, F. Constable, and N. Mehle

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