Edited by John Hammond, Ramon Jordan, and Dimitre Mollov This book has been a trusted resource for plant pathologists, rose growers, and agricultural professionals worldwide since it was first published in 1983. |
 Edited by Lane P. Tredway, Maria Tomaso-Peterson, James P. Kerns, and Bruce B. Clarke Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Fourth Edition, is a thorough resource on turfgrass diseases, their pathogenic causes, and their effective management. |
 Edited by N. W. Gauthier and L. D. Thiessen Cannabis use goes back as far as 10,000 years, based on the archeological discovery of hemp cloth and rope and the documentation of medicinal plants and texts, but since the early twentieth century , cannabis use for medicinal and intoxicant purposes has been highly regulated worldwide. Researchers therefore have had limited legal flexibility in working on cannabis, despite the availability of sophisticated means for pathogen identification. |
 Edited by Robert M. Harveson, Julie S. Pasche, Lyndon D. Porter, Weidong Chen, and Mary Burrows Since publication of the second edition of Compendium of Pea Diseases and Pests almost two decades ago, pea production acreage has increased tremendously in response to rising consumer demands for healthy foods and sustainable production systems. |
 By A. R. Chase, Margery L. Daughtrey, and Raymond A. Cloyd This book summarizes all the latest research-based information about diseases, disorders, and arthropod pests of annuals grown as bedding plants. |
 Edited by Everett M. Hansen, Kathy J. Lewis, and Gary A. Chastagner This new edition will be a trusted resource for a wide range of forestry students and professionals. |
 Edited by Richard D. Cartwright, Donald E. Groth, Yeshi A. Wamishe, Christopher A. Greer, Lee A. Calvert, Casiana M. Vera Cruz, Valérie Verdier, and M. O. Way This easy-to-use book offers images and the latest practical information for diagnosis of diseases and pests. |
 Edited by Robert R. Martin, Michael A. Ellis, Brian Williamson, and Roger N. Williams This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of diseases, insect pests, and disorders of raspberry and blackberry plants. |
 Edited by A. P. Keinath, W. M. Wintermantel, and T. A. Zitter This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of cucurbit diseases. |
 Edited by Krishna V. Subbarao, R. Michael Davis, Robert L. Gilbertson, and Richard N. Raid This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of lettuce diseases, insect pests, and disorders. |
 Edited by James J. Polashock, Frank L. Caruso, Anne L. Averill, and Annemiek C. Schilder This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of blueberry, cranberry, and lingonberry diseases, insect pests, and disorders. |
 A two book kit consisting of: Compendium of Corn Diseases, Fourth Edition and A Farmer's Guide to Corn Diseases |
 Edited by Gary P. Munkvold and Donald G. White This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of corn diseases. |
 Edited by Robert M. Harveson, Samuel G. Markell, Charles C. Block, and Thomas J. Gulya This all-new disease and insect compendium for sunflower crops will serve as a vital field guide at universities, extension offices, diagnostic labs, farms, and even homes where sunflowers are grown. |
 A two book kit consisting of: Compendium of Soybean Diseases and Pests, Fifth Edition and A Farmer's Guide to Soybean Diseases |
 Edited by Glen L. Hartman, John C. Rupe, Edward J. Sikora, Leslie L. Domier, Jeffrey A. Davis, and Kevin L. Steffey This expanded fifth-edition guidebook for scientists and practitioners offers comprehensive information on soybean diseases, insect pests, and abiotic disorders. |
 Edited by Wayne F. Wilcox, Walter D. Gubler, and Jerry K. Uyemoto Offers the latest research, management recommendations, and 375 images to help users diagnose and combat diseases, insect pests, and abiotic disorders found in grape vineyards worldwide. |
 Edited by Alvaro L. Gaitán, Marco A. Cristancho, Bertha L. Castro Caicedo, Carlos A. Rivillas, and Gabriel Cadena Gómez This easy-to-use book provides the most current, practical information on the diagnosis and management of coffee diseases and pests worldwide. |
 Edited by Deborah A. Samac, Landon H. Rhodes, and William O. Lamp The highly-anticipated Alfalfa Compendium is completely updated, including five new diseases, new coverage of pests, and more than 250 new color photographs in an attractive, easy-to-use new format. |
 Edited by Turner B. Sutton, Herb S. Aldwinckle, Arthur M. Agnello, and James F. Walgenbach The most comprehensive compendium in the Series, this book contains 11 new chapters and 343 color images for the diagnosis and treatment of apple and pear diseases/disorders. |
 Edited by Robert G. Linderman and D. Michael Benson This comprehensive book provides images and the most current information available to quickly diagnose and treat infectious diseases, noninfectious disorders, and insect pests of rhododendron and azalea plants. |
 Edited by Jeffrey B. Jones, Thomas A. Zitter, Timur M. Momol, and Sally A. Miller This colorful book allows users to quickly identify tomato diseases, disorders, and other pests for treatment. This new edition covers mites, insects, and "worm" pests, as well as 20 new tomato diseases and disorders. |
 Edited by Christopher A. Clark, Donald M. Ferrin, Tara P. Smith, and Gerald J. Holmes An up-to-date comprehensive source of information on diseases, pests, and other problems that occur in the production, storage, and handling of sweetpotatoes, the world's seventh most important food crop. |
 Edited by Weidong Chen, Hari C. Sharma, and Fred J. Muehlbauer The first comprehensive treatise of diseases and insect pests affecting two crops that play an important role in ensuring food and nutritional security to millions of people. It is the result of work of more than 80 expert scientists. |
 A two book kit consisting of: Compendium of Wheat Diseases and Pests, Third Edition and A Farmer's Guide to Wheat Diseases |
 Edited by William W. Bockus, Robert L. Bowden, Robert M. Hunger, Wendell L. Morrill, Timothy D. Murray, and Richard W. Smiley Twenty years of advances and new discoveries about wheat diseases are delivered in this new edition, making it the largest compendium ever in the 40-book series. |
 Edited by Robert M. Harveson, Linda E. Hanson, and Gary L. Hein A complete revision of the first edition and is updated and expanded to provide current and relevant beet (Beta vulgaris L.) production problems in one comprehensive volume. |
 Edited by Walter Mahaffee, Sarah Pethybridge, and David H. Gent A comprehensive and authoritative account of diseases and pests of hop as well as numerous other disorders and injuries that impact this valuable specialty crop. |
 Edited by Howard F. Schwartz and S. Krishna Mohan Provides an updated, comprehensive, authoritative, and modern account of onion and garlic diseases and insect pests. It covers over 75 diseases including infectious and noninfectious diseases. |
 Edited by Howard F. Schwartz, James R. Steadman, Robert Hall, and Robert L. Forster A comprehensive, authoritative, and modern account of bean diseases that is international in scope and practical in emphasis. Designed to assist in disease diagnosis and provide recommendations for disease management. |
 Edited by M. L. Elliott, T. K. Broschat, J. Y. Uchida, and G. W. Simone Provides information on diseases and disorders affecting palms. With the help of 237 color images, descriptions, and treatment, readers will learn to treat diseases that affect the health and beauty of these ornamental plants. |
 Edited by Kenneth L. Pernezny, Pamela D. Roberts, John F. Murphy, and Natalie P. Goldberg A comprehensive presentation of the important pepper diseases of the world. With the help of 122 color photographs and thorough descriptions of pathogens, this valuable reference enables readers to easily identify diseases. |
 Edited by R. Michael Davis and Richard N. Raid Provides an international account of umbelliferous crop diseases and practical guidelines for control. |
 Edited by Beth L. Teviotdale, Themis J. Michailides, and Jay W. Pscheidt Diseases and disorders of almond, hazelnut, pecan, pistachio, and English walnut crops are covered in this essential reference. Learn to identify and control major and minor diseases of nut crops. |
 Edited by T. L. Kirkpatrick and C. S. Rothrock Provides practical information on the diagnosis and control of cotton diseases. This edition begins with an overview of the origin and evolution of cultivated cotton and a description of the growth and development of the plant. |
 Edited by Walter R. Stevenson, Rosemary Loria, Gary D. Franc, and D. P. Weingartner Includes up-to-date information on diseases affecting potatoes. Since its first publication, key pathogens and management practices have greatly expanded, and the international importance of many pathogens has changed. |
 Edited by R. A. Frederiksen and G. N. Odvody Use the updated information and 122 color photographs in this title to prevent, diagnose, and control sorghum diseases. Major revisions were made in the sections covering ergot and diseases caused by Fusarium species. |
 Edited by L.W. Timmer, S.M. Garnsey, and J.H. Graham Highly recommended for all college and university libraries that have plant pathology departments and libraries, academic and public, in citrus growing regions. |
 Edited by J. L. Maas Use this book to diagnose and treat diseases of strawberries. Contributions from world authorities include completely updated information on symptoms, epidemiology and management of many diseases and disorders. |
 Edited by N. Kokalis-Burelle, D. M. Porter, R. Rodríguez-Kábana, D. H. Smith, and P. Subrahmanyam A guide to the identification and control of peanut diseases. Bringing together photographs and information in a single volume, this convenient compendium is a valuable resource for peanut growers and consultants around the world. |
 Edited by R. Kenneth Horst and Paul E. Nelson This essential reference contains 56 color photographs and accompanying text for identification, prevention, diagnosing, and controlling chrysanthemum diseases. |
 Edited by D. E. Mathre Originally published in 1982, this new edition is extensively revised. Changes include 26 additional color photographs, new sections, re-written sections, coverage of new diseases, etc. |
 By Margery L. Daughtrey, Robert L. Wick, and Joseph L. Peterson An essential reference to preventing, diagnosing, and controlling diseases of flowering potted plants. Complete pathogen descriptions, excellent photos, and step-by-step advice make this ideal for the grower and diagnostician alike. |
 Edited by J. M. Ogawa, E. I. Zehr, G. W. Bird, D. F. Ritchie, K. Uriu, and J. K. Uyemoto Includes information on apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, prunes, sweet cherries, and sour cherries. |
 Edited by R. C. Ploetz, G. A. Zentmyer, W. T. Nishijima, K. G. Rohrbach and H. D. Ohr More than 45 authors present current information on how to identify and control diseases of bananna, coconut, mango, pineapple, papaya, and avocado. |
 Edited by H. David Shew and George B. Lucas A complete reference for tobacco diseases. Includes a separate section on disease management which covers integrated pest management and genetic modification. |
 By A. R. Chase Covers diseases of palms, ferns, ivies, cacti, and dozens of other ornamentals. |