Office of Public Relations and Outreach

OPRO is charged by Council with primary leadership for the society’s public outreach and media relations programs and is empowered to dispense funds allocated by Council for outreach programs as well as to utilize staff time for execution of these programs. It is recognized that much responsibility for public outreach resides with individual APS members, Council, and various APS committees, boards, offices, and divisions. It is the responsibility of OPRO to coordinate, enable, and nurture public outreach from various sectors of the society. OPRO will provide a forum for discussion of outreach opportunities and initiatives and a mechanism for funding special projects. OPRO will choose the highest priority audiences for outreach efforts, and periodically, will reassess these priorities.

Full NameOrganizationPositionTerm StartTerm End
Kevin OngTexas A&M UniversityDirector8/7/20218/5/2025103065
Niklaus GrunwaldUSDA ARSCouncil Liaison - Ex Officio8/1/20248/1/2025071895
Nikita GambhirFMC Stine Research CenterMember8/11/20228/1/2026232554
Nicole A. GauthierUniversity of KentuckyMember7/31/20248/1/2026199726
Ying-Yu LiaoGreenlight BiosciencesMember8/17/20238/5/2025229079
Danielle MikolajewskiWest Virginia UniversityMember7/31/20248/1/2026248693
Charlotte OliverColorado State UniversityMember8/11/20217/30/2025265198
Gail S. TomimatsuRetired Federal ServantMember7/31/20248/1/2026201793
Waana KaluwashaLincoln University of MissouriPost-Doc/Early Career Member8/17/20238/5/2025231041
Mayowa S. AderojuNorth Dakota State University - Fargo, NDGraduate Student Member8/17/20238/5/2025280826
John Rocliffe SpaffordMichigan State UniversityGraduate Student Member7/31/20248/1/2026274624
Dominika Kuzlak-SwansonAPSStaff Liaison4/28/2021 272426