Integrated Plant Disease Management

The mission of the Integrated Plant Disease Management Committee is to enhance the development and implementation of integrated plant disease management strategies that incorporate conventional and novel biological, cultural, chemical, genetic and other environmentally sound and economically profitable approaches. The vision of the committee is to improve profitability and sustainability of crop production through development and increased adoption of integrated disease management systems with maximal economic and environmental benefits. The committee seeks opportunities to encourage support, provide training, and facilitate dissemination and utilization of integrated disease management practices through educational programs, organization of symposia and special sessions at professional meetings, and other media.

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Full NameOrganizationPositionTerm StartTerm End
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Mahesh AdhikariUniversity of FloridaChair7/31/20248/5/2025279676
Ibrahim Kutay OzturkUniversity of MaineVice Chair7/31/20248/5/2025269420
Bhawana GhimireBartlett Tree ExpertsImmediate Past Chair7/31/20248/5/2025270891
Olufemi J. AlabiTexas A&M University SystemCouncil Liaison - Ex Officio7/31/20248/1/2027197067
Fred Kormla AblormetiKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KumasiMember4/15/20248/1/2026284973
Srdjan Goran AcimovicVirginia TechMember11/14/20238/1/2026275470
Promise AdebayoUniversity of IbadanMember7/16/20248/1/2026286415
Junaed Ahmed Member11/9/20238/1/2026281410
Feyisayo Priscilla Akande, PhDUniversity of MissouriMember4/2/20248/1/2026281269
Marilena AQUINO DE MUROVirginia Tech BlacksburgMember4/8/20248/1/2026284784
Roshani BaralUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnMember10/17/20228/5/2025276937
Rebecca BaroccoUniversity of Florida NFRECMember11/8/20248/1/2027228543
Phillip M. BrannenUniversity of GeorgiaMember7/19/20248/1/2027025496
Collins Bugingo, PhDOregon State UniversityMember12/12/20238/1/2026280258
Boris Xavier CamilettiUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignMember3/13/20238/5/2025274639
Palloma Indiara Caproni MoraisIowa State UniversityMember7/30/20248/1/2027284760
Cecilia Chagas de FreitasCorteva AgriscienceMember8/9/20208/1/2026240821
Sharandeep Singh ChahalUniversity of ArkansasMember1/7/20258/1/2027288304
Ashok K. ChandaUniversity of MinnesotaMember7/23/20248/1/2027195392
Amy O. CharkowskiColorado State UniversityMember8/1/20228/5/2025038976