Family and Caregiver Support

Mission is to advocate and champion diversity and inclusion of APS members, specifically by caregivers as they pursue their scientific career. This will be achieved by providing information, services, and grants that support and facilitate participation of caregivers in APS and pursuit of their scientific careers and assist them in balancing the demands of their personal and professional lives. The office will work to include APS family members to encourage future generations of plant pathologists.

Full NameOrganizationPositionTerm StartTerm End
Marija ZivanovicISK BioSciencesChair7/31/20248/5/2025276787
Suzette Arcibal BaldwinNorth Dakota State UniversityVice Chair7/31/20248/5/2025212279
Peiqi ZhangUniversity of FloridaImmediate Past Chair7/31/20248/5/2025232507
Olufemi J. AlabiTexas A&M University SystemCouncil Liaison - Ex Officio7/31/20248/1/2027197067
Marie-Gabrielle AyikaUniversity of FloridaMember8/17/20238/1/2026280629
Manoj ChoudharyUniveristy of FloridaMember8/11/20228/1/2025268910
Giovana CruppeKansas State UniversityMember7/10/20238/1/2025230972
Alan T. DyerMontana State UnivMember8/5/20248/1/2027038984
Janis A. FombaUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnMember8/11/20228/1/2025262913
Kaitlin M. GoldCornell UniversityMember7/10/20238/1/2025232822
Ketsira PierreUniversity of Florida Plant PathologyMember4/24/20248/1/2026275822
Tania Anne Marie WiestUniversity of DelawareMember4/9/20248/1/2026284631
Jordan MaroneyAPSStaff Liaison1/1/2022 275297